Project description:Transcript profile of 10 days-old seedlings over expressing miR396 Experiment Overall Design: 2 samples from 35S:miR396 plants vs 2 samples of wild type plants
Project description:A first line of defense against pathogen infections is the recognition of pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs), leading to PAMP-triggered immunity (PTI). MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are primarily known as central regulators of plant development, but a few have also been connected to immunity. We have found that several fungal pathogens lead to a reduction in miR396 levels, suggesting that miR396 are negative regulators of downstream defense responses. In agreement with such as scenario, constitutive attenuation of miR396 activity enhances resistance to infection by fungal pathogens, while increased miR396 activity reduces pathogen resistance. We conclude that constitutive reduction of miR396 levels confer a primed state for enhanced defense reactions
Project description:An Arabidopsis mutant showing an altered ability to green on illumination after extended periods of darkness has been isolated in a screen for genomes uncoupled (gun) mutants. Following illumination for 24 h, 10-day-old dark-grown mutant seedlings accumulated 5 times more chlorophyll than wild-type seedlings and this was correlated with differences in plastid morphology observed by transmission electron microscopy. The mutant has been named greening after extended darkness 1 (ged1). We used microarrays to detail the global profiles of transcript abundances in the mutant in comparison to the wild type. Microarray analysis showed much lower amounts of transcripts of genes encoding seed storage proteins, oleosins and late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) proteins in 7-day-old seedlings of ged1 compared to wild type. RNA-gel-blot analyses confirmed very low levels of transcripts of seed protein genes in ged1 seedlings grown for 2-10 days in the dark, and showed higher amounts of transcripts of photosynthesis-related genes in illuminated 10-day-old dark-grown ged1 seedlings compared to wild type. Keywords: Genotype
Project description:Transcript profiling analysis of vfb (Vier F-Box) mutant seedlings compared to wild type using Arabidopsis ATH1 GeneChip array. Keywords: 10 day old light grown seedlings, wild type and mutant
Project description:miR396 is a key growth regulator in plants, however, the molecular mechanisms underlying its functions remained to be revealed. Here, through systematically gene-editing, we found that among the MIR396 family genes, MIR396e and -f were the main regulators of rice growth. mir396ef mutations could increase the grain yield through significantly enlarging the grain size. In addition, mir396ef mutations promoted the seedling growth and modulated the plant architecture by promoting the elongations of leaves (including leaf blades and sheaths) and panicles but suppressing the elongation of internodes, especially the uppermost internode. Our research reveals that mir396ef mutations promote the growth and organ elongation by significantly increasing the level of the gibberellin (GA) precursor, mevalonic acid (MVA), which subsequently activates the GA pathway. Our results also indicate that miR396 regulates the internode elongation through a different mechanism (probably through controlling SD37 expression) from the GA pathway. These results reveal two pathways by which miR396 regulates rice growth and provide valuable gene-editing targets to increase rice productivity.
Project description:The aim was to identify genes associated to the down-regulation TARGET OF RAPAMYCIN (TOR) pathway in Arabidopsis. For this purpose, three independent amiR-tor lines (amiR-tor9, amiR-tor17 and amiR-tor 20) and EV lines 3 and 6 days after EST- or non-induction were used for expression profile analysis using Affymetrix microarray. Two weeks-old transgenic seedlings were transferred to MS plate with 20µM estradiol to induce the overexpression of amiR-tor (consequently, repression of AtTOR levels) under the control of an estradiol-(EST) inducible promoter. Identically treated wild-type Col-0 and pER8 empty-vector (EV) transformed seedlings were served as controls. Seedlings were harvested after 3 and 6 (amiR-tor lines) days. genetic modification
Project description:An Arabidopsis mutant showing an altered ability to green on illumination after extended periods of darkness has been isolated in a screen for genomes uncoupled (gun) mutants. Following illumination for 24 h, 10-day-old dark-grown mutant seedlings accumulated 5 times more chlorophyll than wild-type seedlings and this was correlated with differences in plastid morphology observed by transmission electron microscopy. The mutant has been named greening after extended darkness 1 (ged1). We used microarrays to detail the global profiles of transcript abundances in the mutant in comparison to the wild type. Microarray analysis showed much lower amounts of transcripts of genes encoding seed storage proteins, oleosins and late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) proteins in 7-day-old seedlings of ged1 compared to wild type. RNA-gel-blot analyses confirmed very low levels of transcripts of seed protein genes in ged1 seedlings grown for 2-10 days in the dark, and showed higher amounts of transcripts of photosynthesis-related genes in illuminated 10-day-old dark-grown ged1 seedlings compared to wild type. Experiment Overall Design: Total RNA samples were extracted from wild-type Ws and ged1 seedlings grown for 5 days in the dark followed by 2 days in the light and hybridised on Affymetrix ATH-121501 arrays. Transcript amounts between wild-type Ws and ged1 seedlings were compared globally.
Project description:The aim was to identify genes associated to the down-regulation TARGET OF RAPAMYCIN (TOR) pathway in Arabidopsis. For this purpose, three independent amiR-tor lines (amiR-tor9, amiR-tor17 and amiR-tor 20) and EV lines 3 and 6 days after EST- or non-induction were used for expression profile analysis using Affymetrix microarray. Two weeks-old transgenic seedlings were transferred to MS plate with 20µM estradiol to induce the overexpression of amiR-tor (consequently, repression of AtTOR levels) under the control of an estradiol-(EST) inducible promoter. Identically treated wild-type Col-0 and pER8 empty-vector (EV) transformed seedlings were served as controls. Seedlings were harvested after 3 and 6 (amiR-tor lines) days.