Project description:We hypothesized that preterm spontaneous labor involves aberrant changes in mRNA expression in the placenta. To test this hypothesis, we interrogated the mRNA levels of >50,000 genes and transcript variants using gene expression microarray (Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 Array, Affymetrix) on 5 placentas collected from preterm spontaneous delivery (<34 weeks of gestation) and another 5 placentas collected from term spontaneous delivery (38-39 weeks). We have identified 229 and 162 genes that were up- or down-regulated, respectively, for more than 3-fold in the preterm placentas compared to the term placentas (Mann-Whitney Rank Sum Test, with multiple testing correction by the Benjamini-Hochberg method, adjusted p-value <= 0.05). Placentas collected from (i) preterm spontaneous delivery (<34 weeks of gestation) and (ii) term spontaneous delivery (38-39 weeks of gestation) were subjected to RNA extraction and hybridization on Affymetrix microarrays. To identify gene expression patterns that are commonly involved in preterm spontaneous labour, we analyzed 5 placentas from each of these 2 groups and tested for any differentially expressed genes by Mann-Whitney Rank Sum Test.
Project description:The pathogenesis of spontaneous preterm birth (PTB) is largely unknown. We conducted RNA-seq transcriptomic analysis, qRT-PCR and ELISA on fresh placental villous tissue from 20 spontaneous preterm and 20 spontaneous term deliveries, to identify genes and signalling pathways involved in the pathogenesis of PTB. Our differential gene expression, gene ontology and pathway analysis revealed several dysregulated genes, including OCLN, OPTN, KRT7, WNT7A, RSPO4, BAMBI, NFATC4, SLC6A13, SLC6A17, SLC26A8 and KLF8, associated with altered trophoblast functions. We identified dysregulated Wnt, oxytocin and cellular senescence signalling pathways in preterm placentas, where augmented Wnt signalling could play a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of PTB due to its diverse biological functions. We provide fresh molecular insight into the pathogenesis of spontaneous PTB, which may drive further studies to develop new predictive biomarkers and therapeutics.
Project description:We hypothesized that preterm spontaneous labor involves aberrant changes in mRNA expression in the placenta. To test this hypothesis, we interrogated the mRNA levels of >50,000 genes and transcript variants using gene expression microarray (Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 Array, Affymetrix) on 5 placentas collected from preterm spontaneous delivery (<34 weeks of gestation) and another 5 placentas collected from term spontaneous delivery (38-39 weeks). We have identified 229 and 162 genes that were up- or down-regulated, respectively, for more than 3-fold in the preterm placentas compared to the term placentas (Mann-Whitney Rank Sum Test, with multiple testing correction by the Benjamini-Hochberg method, adjusted p-value <= 0.05).
Project description:Placental insufficiency is implicated in spontaneous preterm birth (SPTB). We performed RNA-seq study in male and female placentas from women (African American, self-identified) with SPTB (< 36 weeks gestation) compared to normal pregnancies (≥ 38 weeks gestation) to assess the alterations in gene expression profiles.
Project description:Objective: Human parturition involves many events among mother, fetus, and placenta, and the initiation of these events is the consequence of activation of a series of endocrine and immune responses. Multiple underlying pathways account for the cascade of events that culminate in spontaneous preterm labor. In this study, we aimed to characterize these signaling pathways of placental origin at molecular levels. Study design: We used single-cell RNA-sequencing (sc-RNA-seq) analysis to probe transcriptional heterogeneity in human placenta delivered at preterm or term and then used RNA in situ hybridization (RNA-ISH) assay on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) placental tissues to validate these results. Results: By using sc-RNA-seq on villous cytotrophoblast (CTB) isolated from a preterm placenta, we found that signaling pathways implicated in the initiation of term or preterm labor including ferroptosis, kisspeptin (KISS1), and senescence were constitutively activated in distinct cellular clusters of these trophoblastic stem cells. RNA-ISH-based spatial gene expression profiling in FFPE tissues revealed that pregnancy-specific beta-1-glycoprotein 4 (PSG4), a potent molecular driver for cellular aging, was significantly increased in preterm placentas (N = 30) compared to their full-term counterparts (N = 9). Furthermore, PSG4 mRNA signals were predominantly detected in the villous syncytiotrophoblast and the discontinuous monolayer of CTB as well as the intervillous space where maternal blood circulates. Conclusion: Our study provides strong support for PSG4 overexpression serving as a biomarker for pregnant women at risk for preterm delivery, which can allow for the development of timely and clinical preventive strategies.
Project description:Hundreds of naturally occurring milk peptides have been found in term human milk. Whether there are differences between the levels of these peptides between term and preterm milk remains unknown. Premature milk is produced before complete maturation of the mammary gland and is under the influence of a different hormonal milieu, which could change enzymatic activity and protein expression within the mammary gland and result in an altered peptide profile. We employed nano-liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry to identify naturally occurring peptides in term and premature milks at multiple time-points across lactation and compare the abundances of these peptides. We found that preterm milks produced more unique peptide sequences than term milks on average (359 vs. 286). The peptides identified were searched for overlapping sequences with an in-house database of known functional peptides. Specifically, we found that both term and preterm milks contain peptides overlapping with known sequences with antimicrobial, opioid antagonist and immunomodulatory actions. We also compared the enzymes involved in degradation of both milks via bioinformatic analysis. This analysis reveals that plasmin is more active in preterm milk than term milk.
Project description:Genome wide placental DNA methylation profiling of full term and preterm deliveries sampled from 5 full term deliveries and 4 preterm deliveries. The Illumina HumanMethylation450 Beadchip was used to obtain DNA methylation profiles across approximately 485,577 CpGs in formalin fixed samples. Samples included 4 placental tissues from 4 women with preterm delivery and 5 placental tissues from 5 women with full term delivery. 9 women's placental DNA (4 women had perterm deliveries and 5 women had full term deliveries) were hybridised to the Illumina HumanMethylation450 Beadchip
Project description:Peripheral whole blood transcriptome profiles of pregnant women with normal pregnancy and spontaneous preterm birth from 10-18 weeks of gestational age enrolled in the Vitamin D Antenatal Asthma Reduction Trial (VDAART).