Project description:The human promyelocytic cell line HL60/S4 can be differentiated into a granulocytic form with the addition of all-trans retinoic acid for 4 days. We investigated the conserved and differentiated responses to TNF in the granulocytic and promyelocytic forms of HL60/S4 cells.
Project description:We report gene expression of four and three single-cell derived clones from HL60 and HL60/S4 cell lines, respectively, and the gene expression of bulk parental lines. We also report gene expression of control and mnocyte-derived HL60 (n=2, n=2, respectively) and HL60/S4 (n=2, n=2, respectively) single-cell clones, and control and neutrophil-derived HL60 (n=4, n=4, respectively) and HL60/S4 (n=4, n=4, respectively) single-cell clones.
Project description:Chromosomal rearrangements are prevalent events in the human population, occurring both constitutionally in the general population and somatically in the majority of cancers. Detection of balanced rearrangements, such as reciprocal translocations and inversions, is troublesome with many rearrangements remaining undetected. This is particularly detrimental in oncology where rearrangements play diagnostic and prognostic roles and can influence choice and efficacy of treatment protocols. New methods to detect and characterize balanced rearrangements are therefore required for both research and clinical applications. Here we describe the use of the chromosome conformation capture derived method Hi-C as a tool for detection of both balanced and unbalanced chromosomal rearrangements in cell lines and human tumor samples, with the ability to detect gene fusions and define chromosomal breakpoints to base pair resolution. In addition, we show that copy number information can also be obtained from the same data, allowing rearrangements, gains, amplifications and deletions of genomic regions to be detected in a single experiment.
Project description:Human Promyelocytic Leukemia Cell Line HL60 has been used extensively as a model for myeloid differentiation and leukemia. HL60-RG cell is its sub-line and shows a higher growth rate. In this study, we carried out a genome scan using SNP 10k mapping array on both cells. Comparative study on chromosomal changes of these cells will give us information on mechanism of tumor progression. Experiment Overall Design: Two samples HL60-NG cell and HL60-RG cel were analyzed by SNP 10k mapping array.
Project description:Human Promyelocytic Leukemia Cell Line HL60 has been used extensively as a model for myeloid differentiation and leukemia. HL60-RG cell is its sub-line and shows a higher growth rate. In this study, we carried out a genome scan using SNP 10k mapping array on both cells. Comparative study on chromosomal changes of these cells will give us information on mechanism of tumor progression. Keywords: cell type comparison
Project description:Analysis of technical variance of ChIP-on-Chip studies by characterization of Myc-binding in HL60 cells. Keywords: Chip-on-chip Characterization of c-Myc binding in HL60 cells. Thirteen biologically independent replicates of growing HL60 cells were subjected to ChIP with an N-terminal c-Myc antibody and hybridized to CpG island microarrays