Project description:NeuroD2 targets were identified from embryonic day 14.5 cerebral cortex tissue. The cerebral cortex (dorsal telencelphalon) from E14.5 mouse embryos was dissected and ChIP-SEQ was performed using three separate antibodies against NeuroD2.
Project description:NeuroD2 is downregulated in glioblastoma (GBM) tumor samples. The study identifies the genes regulated by NeuroD2 in GBM cell lines grown under hypoxia We used human primeview gene expression microarray chips to assess the mRNA expression profile in response to NeuroD2 overexpression in U87MG cells under hypoxic microenvironment.
Project description:We found morphofunctional alterations in the neocortex of NeuroD2 deficient mice that were associated with autism/schizophrenia-like behaviors. Thus we asked what are the NeuroD2 target genes that are modified in NeuroD2 deficient mice. In particular it was interesting to determine which genes could be related with morphofunctional alterations and autism/schizophrenia
Project description:We have performed microarray expression profiling of mouse primary neurons (cortical neurons and granule cell neurons) to model molecular networks and define whether distinct antiviral IFN responses occurred in neurons corresponding to different brain regions. Primary mouse cortical neurons and granule cell neurons were left untreated, treated with 100IU/mL of IFN-M-NM-2, or infected with West Nile virus (MOI of 1) and RNA was harvested after 24 hours. Three independent experiments were performed using a balanced design.
Project description:This experiment comprises RNA-seq data used to study evolutionary differences between humans and mice in neuronal activity-dependent transcriptional responses. Activity-dependent transcriptional responses in developing human stem cell-derived cortical neurons were compared with those induced in developing primary- or stem cell-derived mouse cortical neurons 4 hours after KCl-induced membrane depolarisation. Activity-dependent transcriptional responses were also measured in aneuploid mouse neurons carrying human chromosome 21, allowing study of the regulation of Hsa21 genes, plus their mouse orthologs, side-by-side in the same cellular environment of a mouse primary neuron.
Project description:We report mRNA profiles of subcellularly localized transcriptomes (soma and neurite) of two mouse cell lines, N2A and CAD, as well as primary cortical neurons from E18.5 mice. We also performed this fractionation and sequencing after RNAi knockdown (cell lines) or in knockout mice (primary cortical neurons) of the RNA-binding proteins muscleblind 1 and 2 (Mbnl1 and Mbnl2). Fractionate neurons using porous transwell membranes. Isolate poly-A RNA.