Coordinated Regulation of Smooth Muscle Cell Remodeling by Non-coding and Coding products of Phenotype Switching Regulator Gene.
Ontology highlight
ABSTRACT: We identified a novel nuclear peptide Arteridin encoded by an annotated lncRNA Phenotype Swithching Regulator (PSR). To test the DNA binding capacity of Arteridin, we perfomed Arteridin ChIP-seq. We found both Arteridin and lncPSR transcript could induce vascular smooth muscle cell phenothype switching. We also found the interaction between Arteridin, lncPSR and transcription factor YBX1. To further illustrate how Arteridin and lncPSR work coordinately, we performed YBX1 ChIP-seq in VSMCs with Arteridin-FLAG overexpression or lncPSR ATT mutant overexpression.
ORGANISM(S): Rattus norvegicus
PROVIDER: GSE145965 | GEO | 2021/01/01