Project description:We treated FVBN/J mice bearing orthotopic KI tumors with vehicle or CA-4948 for two weeks and performed bulk RNASeq to assess transcriptomic changes in the tumor
Project description:Circulating tumor-reactive lymphocytes (CTRL) present in blood circulation at a very low frequency. We efficiently isolated them based on high-performance microfluidics and MHC multimer binding assay. Using an ultra-low input bulk RNAseq workflow, we systematically characterize the transcriptomic profile of tumor-reactive lymphocytes and identified novel biomarkers for multimer-free isolation. Two animal models were studied - B16 melanoma model and CT-26 colon cancer model.
Project description:To examine the effect of AC484 inhibition on the tumor immune microenvironment, we performed scRNA-seq on CD45+ cells from B16 and KPC tumors from mice treated with vehicle, anti-PD-1, or AC484.
Project description:Here we report bulk TCR sequencing data associated with open repertoire murine CD4+, CD4+CD8+, and CD8+ T cells isolated from B16 melanoma tumor resections
Project description:Proteome analysis of Lung tissue of mice bearing B16-F10-luc-G5 melanoma tumor with sleep fragmentation and with or with out the asdmistration of GL-pp. The mice were randomly divided into 4 groups: control group in general condition with no further treatment (CON group), tumor group with the burden of B16-F10-luc-G5 cells (Tumor group), T+SF group with SF and the burden of B16-F10-luc-G5 cells (T+SF group), and GL-pp group with SF, tumor cells burden, and the administration of 80 mg/kg GL-pp (GL-pp group). B16-F10-luc-G5 cells (5 × 1000000 cells/100 µL per mouse) were injected into the mice through the tail vein. The lung tissue of T+SF group and GL-pp group were analyzed by the proteome.
Project description:Insufficient infiltration of cytotoxic T cells into solid tumors poses a major challenge in cancer immunotherapy, largely due to the intricate tumor microenvironment. To address this, we co-cultured mouse cancer cell lines (B16-WT or B16-OVA) with cancer-specific cytotoxic T cells (activated OT-1) in vitro to uncover the impact of cancer-T cell interactions on T cell motility, pivotal for effective tumor infiltration. To investigate the potential molecular mechanisms underlying T cell motility patterns in the two coculture contexts, we performed both bulk and single-cell RNA sequencing of cancer and T cells sorted from the co-culture systems at specific time points.
Project description:Insufficient infiltration of cytotoxic T cells into solid tumors poses a major challenge in cancer immunotherapy, largely due to the intricate tumor microenvironment. To address this, we co-cultured mouse cancer cell lines (B16-WT or B16-OVA) with cancer-specific cytotoxic T cells (activated OT-1) in vitro to uncover the impact of cancer-T cell interactions on T cell motility, pivotal for effective tumor infiltration. To investigate the potential molecular mechanisms underlying T cell motility patterns in the two coculture contexts, we performed both bulk and single-cell RNA sequencing of cancer and T cells sorted from the co-culture systems at specific time points.
Project description:Bulk RNAseq of kidneys from 5 months-old mice invalidated for Nphp1, which is the main gene responsible for Nephronophtisis, after 4 months of treatment with daily intraperitoneal injection of vehicle of Alprostadil (80µg/kg).
Project description:Increases in terminally exhausted T cells in the tumor are associated with poor responses to immunotherapy, yet the mechanisms that promote progression to terminal exhaustion remain undefined. To understand the effect of epigenetic changes in subsets of tumor-infiltrating CD8+ T cells, we performed RNA-seq to understand changes in gene expression. CD8 T cells were sorted from the murine B16 melanoma tumor using PD1 and Tim3 expression to define four subsets: PD1lo, PD1mid, PD1hi, and PD1hiTim3+. Additional control samples include paired CD44+ cells from the tumor-draining lymph node of tumor bearing mice, and OT-I effector CD8 T cells isolated from Vaccinia-ova infection. CD8 TIL PD1hi Tim3+ from B16 tumors treated with IgG control, anti-PD1 or anti-41BB agonist immunotherapies were also isolated for RNAseq.