Hopeful monsters: Unintended sequencing of famously malformed mite mitochondrial tRNAs reveals widespread expression and processing of sense-antisense pairs
Ontology highlight
ABSTRACT: While performing mitochondrial isolations and recently developed tRNA-seq methods (AlkB treatment and YAMAT-Seq) in plant tissue, we inadvertently sequenced the mitochondrial tRNAs from a common plant pest, the acariform mite Tetranychus urticae, to a high enough coverage to detect all previously annotated T. urticae tRNA regions. The results not only confirm expression, CCA-tailing and post-transcriptional base modification of these highly divergent tRNAs, but also revealed paired sense and antisense expression of multiple T. urticae mitochondrial tRNAs.
Project description:This SuperSeries is composed of the following subset Series: GSE31525: Spider mite preliminary feeding experiment with mites reared on bean and two Arabidopsis thaliana accessions GSE31527: Developmental stage-specific gene expression in the two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) GSE32005: Developmental stage-specific small RNA composition in the two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) GSE32009: Transcriptional responses of the two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) after transfer to different plant hosts Refer to individual Series
Project description:Here, we apply tRNA-seq and YAMAT-seq to profile the expressions of tRFs and tRNAs in plants. We provide a high-quality expression atlas of tRFs and tRNAs in Arabidopsis and rice, and uncover complex tRF population and the dynamic expressions of tRNA genes in plants.
Project description:The two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, is one of the most significant mite pests in agriculture that can feed on more than 1,100 plant hosts, including model plants Arabidopsis thaliana and tomato, Solanum lycopersicum. In order to refine the involvement of jasmonic acid (JA) in mite-induced responses, we analyzed transcriptional changes in tomato JA signaling mutant defenseless1 (def-1) upon JA treatment and spider mite herbivory. We used microarray to assess global gene expression in Solanum lycopersicum def-1 cv. Castlemart upon jasmonic acid treatment and Tetranychus urticae attack. 1 month old def-1 tomato plants were subjected to Tetranychus urticae attack through application of 100 adult mites on a terminal leaflet of leaf 3 for 24 h or plants were sprayed with 1 mM jasmonic acid solution.
Project description:The two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, is one of the most significant mite pests in agriculture that can feed on more than 1,100 plant hosts, including model plants Arabidopsis thaliana and tomato, Solanum lycopersicum. In order to refine the involvement of jasmonic acid (JA) in mite-induced responses, we analyzed transcriptional changes in tomato JA signaling mutant defenseless1 (def-1) upon JA treatment and spider mite herbivory. We used microarray to assess global gene expression in Solanum lycopersicum def-1 cv. Castlemart upon jasmonic acid treatment and Tetranychus urticae attack.
Project description:Tomato plants are commonly attacked by herbivorous mites, including by generalist Tetranychus urticae and specialists Tetranychus evansi and Aculops lycopersici. Mite feeding induces plant defense responses that reduce mite performance. However, via poorly understood mechanisms, T. evansi and A. lycopersici suppress plant defenses and, consequently, maintain a high performance on tomato. Accordingly, on a shared host, non-adapted T. urticae can be facilitated by either of the specialist mites, likely via the suppression of plant defenses. To better understand defense suppression and indirect plant-mediated interactions between herbivorous mites, we used microarrays to analyze transcriptomic changes in tomato after attack by either a single mite species (T. urticae, T. evansi, A. lycopersici) or two species simultaneously (T. urticae plus T. evansi or T. urticae plus A. lycopersici). Additionally, we assessed mite-induced changes in defense-associated phytohormones using LC-MS/MS. Compared to non-infested controls, jasmonates (JAs) and salicylate (SA) accumulated to higher amounts upon all mite-infestation treatments, but lowest increases were detected after single infestations with defense-suppressors. Strikingly, whereas 8 to 10% of tomato genes was differentially expressed upon single infestations with T. urticae or A. lycopersici, only 0.1% was altered in T. evansi-infested plants. Transcriptome analysis of dual-infested leaves revealed that T. evansi dampened T. urticae-triggered host responses on a genome-wide scale, while A. lycopersici primarily suppressed T. urticae-induced JA defenses. Our results provide valuable new insights into the mechanisms underlying host defense suppression and the plant-mediated facilitation of competing herbivores.
Project description:While pathogen-induced immunity is comparatively well characterized, far less is known about plant defense responses to arthropod herbivores. To date, most molecular-genetic studies of plant-arthropod interactions have focused on insects. However, plant-feeding (phytophagous) mites are also pests of diverse plants, and mites induce different patterns of damage to plant tissues than do well-studied insects (e.g., Lepidopteran larvae or aphids). The two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, is among the most significant mite pests in agriculture. T. urticae is an extreme generalist that has been documented on a staggering number of plant hosts (more than 1,100), and is renowned for the rapid evolution of pesticide resistance. To understand reciprocal interactions between T. urticae and a plant host at the molecular level, we examined mite herbivory using Arabidopsis thaliana. Despite differences in feeding guilds, we found that transcriptional responses of A. thaliana to mite herbivory generally resembled those observed for insect herbivores. In particular, defense to mites was mediated by jasmonic acid (JA) biosynthesis and signaling. Further, indole glucosinolates dramatically increased mite mortality and development times. Variation in both basal and activated levels of these defense pathways might also explain differences in mite damage and feeding success between A. thaliana accessions. On the herbivore side, a diverse set of genes associated with detoxification of xenobiotics was induced upon exposure to increasing levels of in planta indole glucosinolates. Our findings provide molecular insights into the nature of, and response to, herbivory for a representative of a major class of arthropod herbivores. We used microarray to assess global gene expresion in Arabidopsis thaliana upon Tetranychus urticae attack in two A. thaliana accessions: Bla-2, resistant to spider mite herbivory and Kon, susceptible to spider mite herbivory. 3 week old Arabidopsis thaliana plants were subjected to Tetranychus urticae attack through application of 10 mites for various periods of time (timecourse scenario) or hundreds of mites for 1 hour (feeding site scenario).
Project description:The Arabidopsis/Tetranychus urticae pair is a model to analyze the response of the plant to the infestation with phytophagous acari. To deep into the short-term response of the plant, a time series was performed starting upon 30 min of infestation. Additional time points at 1h, 3h and 24h were selected to study the progression of the plant response.
Project description:The two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, is one of the most significant mite pests in agriculture that can feed on more than 1,100 plant hosts, including model plants Arabidopsis thaliana and tomato, Solanum lycopersicum. Here, we described tomato transcriptional responses to spider mite feeding and compared them to Arabidopsis in order to determine conserved and divergent responses to this pest. 2,133 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were detected at 1, 3, 6, 12 or 24 hours post spider mite infestation (hpi) relative to non-infested control plants. Based on Biological Process Gene Ontology annotations, improved in the course of our analysis, DEGs were grouped in 60 significantly enriched gene sets that highlighted perception of the spider mite attack (1 hpi), metabolic reprogramming (3-6 hpi), and establishment and maintenance of the defense responses (6-24 hpi). We used microarray to assess global gene expression in Solanum lycopersicum cv. Heinz 1706 upon Tetranychus urticae attack. 1 month old tomato plants were subjected to Tetranychus urticae attack through application of 100 adult mites on a terminal leaflet of leaf 3 for various periods of time (timecourse scenario) or hundreds of mites for 1 hour (feeding site scenario).
Project description:The extreme generalist two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, which is documented to feed on more than 1100 plant hosts, is becoming an increasingly important agricultural pest. Historically, as studies of plant-herbivore interactions have focused largely on insects, considerably less research has investigated plant responses to spider mite herbivores, especially in grasses. To identify intraspecific differences in maize response to T. urticae, we collected RNA-seq data from three maize (Zea mays) inbred lines (B73, B75 and B49) as well as two F1 lines arising from crosses between B73 x B75 and B73 x B96. For each maize line, RNA-seq data was collected from uninfested leaves (control) and leaves infested with T. urticae for 24 hours.
Project description:Increased proliferation and elevated levels of protein synthesis are characteristic of transformed and tumor cells. Though components of the translation machinery are often misregulated in cancers, how tRNA plays a role in cancer cells has not been explored. We compare genome-wide tRNA expression in tumorigenic versus non-tumorigenic breast cell lines, as well as tRNA expression in breast tumors versus normal breast tissues. In tumorigenic versus non-tumorigenic cell lines, nuclear-encoded tRNAs increase by up to 3-fold and mitochondrial-encoded tRNAs increase by up to 5-fold. In tumors versus normal breast tissues, both nuclear and mitochondrial-encoded tRNAs increase by up to 10-fold. This tRNA over-expression is selective and coordinates with the properties of cognate amino acids. Nuclear- and mitochondrial-encoded tRNAs exhibit distinct expression patterns, indicating that tRNAs can be used as biomarkers for breast cancer. We analyzed tRNA expression levels in 2 non-tumorigenic breast cell lines, 6 tumorigenic breast cancer cell lines, 3 normal breast tissue samples, and 9 breast tumor samples. We used a non-tumorigenic breast cell line (MCF10A) as a reference sample in all hybridizations. All data is dye-swapped.