NiV and HeV virus like particles (VLPs) were used on HEK293T cells to determine transcriptomics profile
Ontology highlight
ABSTRACT: To delineate cellular processes involved in NiV and HeV VLPs, we have employed whole genome microarray expression profiling as a discovery platform to identify the upregulated and downregulated genes. Total RNA was collected from transfected cells and untransfected controls. Cy3 labeled cRNA is used for hybridization platform Agilent Human 4 x 44K gene expression array.
Project description:To delineate cellular processes involved in NiV F, G, and FG combination, we have employed whole genome microarray expression profiling as a discovery platform to identify the upregulated and downregulated genes. Total RNA was collected from transfected cells and untransfected controls. Cy3 labeled cRNA is used for hybridization platform Agilent Human 4 x 44K gene expression array.
Project description:To delineate cellular processes involved in NiV F, G, M, and combinations, we have employed whole genome microarray expression profiling as a discovery platform to identify the upregulated and downregulated genes. Total RNA was collected from transfected cells and untransfected controls. Cy3 labeled cRNA is used for hybridization platform Agilent Human 4 x 44K gene expression array.
Project description:To delineate cellular processes involved in HeV F, G, and FG combination, we have employed whole genome microarray expression profiling as a discovery platform to identify the upregulated and downregulated genes. Total RNA was collected from transfected cells and untransfected controls. Cy3 labeled cRNA is used for hybridization platform Agilent Human 4 x 44K gene expression array.
Project description:To delineate cellular processes involved in NiV infection, we have employed whole genome microarray expression profiling as a discovery platform to identify the upregulated and downregulated genes. Total RNA was collected from infected cells and uninfected controls. Cy3 labeled cRNA is used for hybridization platform Agilent Human 4 x 44K gene expression array.
Project description:To delineate cellular processes involved in NiV FG combination and mutants with different fusiogenecity, we have employed whole genome microarray expression profiling as a discovery platform to identify the upregulated and downregulated genes. Total RNA was collected from transfected cells and untransfected controls. Cy3 labeled cRNA is used for hybridization platform Agilent Human 4 x 44K gene expression array.
Project description:To delineate cellular processes involved in NiV FG combination and mutants with different fusiogenecity, we have employed whole genome microarray expression profiling as a discovery platform to identify the upregulated and downregulated genes. Total RNA was collected from transfected cells and untransfected controls. Cy3 labeled cRNA is used for hybridization platform Agilent Human 4 x 44K gene expression array.
Project description:A novel henipavirus (HNV) named Langya virus (LayV) was isolated in human patients in China in August 2022. It is closely related to Mòjiāng virus (MojV) and represents the first instance of HNV zoonosis to humans outside of Nipah virus (NiV) and Hendra viruses (HeV). Within this work, mass spectrometry glycoproteomic analysis revealed that although the LayV F protein has reduced glycosylation compared to its NiV and HeV counterparts, a unique glycan was identified positioned at the DIII apex, shielding a previously identified site of vulnerability in NiV F.
Project description:Analysis of the transcriptional signature of VLPs and SARS-CoV-2-infected human GM-CSF-dependent monocyte-derived macrophages. Methods: Human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMC) were isolated from buffy coats from donors over a Lymphoprep gradient according to standard procedures. Monocytes were purified from PBMC by magnetic cell sorting using anti-CD14 microbeads (>95% CD14+ cells). Monocytes from three independent donors (0.5 x 106 cells/ml, >95% CD14+ cells) were cultured in RPMI 1640 supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) at 37°C in a humidified atmosphere with 5% CO2 and 21% O2 for 7 days in the presence of 1000 U/ml GM-CSF, with cytokine addition every two days. Then, monocyte-derived macrophages were exposed SARS-CoV-2 (SARS-CoV-2 clinical isolate Gisaid EPI_ISL_1120962, corresponding to ancestral S D614G, at an MOI=1), SARS-CoV-2-derived VLPs (MOCK) or nothing (UNT). After 4,12 and 36 hours, cells were lysed and RNA isolated for transcriptional analysis. We performed gene expression profiling analysis using data obtained from RNA-seq of 4 different donors.