Project description:We discovered that mice lacking Lsd1 in the erythroid lineage die in utero of a lethal anemia around embryonic day E13.5. Lsd1 knockout embryos displayed an increase in CD71_high c-Kit_high pro-erythroblasts, followed by a drastic reduction of later maturation stages. To determine the genes altered by Lsd1-loss, CD71_high c-Kit_high pro-erythroblasts from Lsd1fl/fl and Lsd1fl/fl EpoRCre mice were FACS-purified to be analyzed by gene expression profiling. Primary CD71high c-Kithigh pro-erythroblasts were isolated by FACS-sorting from fetal livers of E13.5 Lsd1fl/fl and Lsd1fl/fl EpoRCre embryos. Total RNA from two biological replicates per genotype was extracted and used to hybridize to Affymetrix expression arrays using the Mouse Genome 430A array platform.
Project description:We discovered that mice lacking Lsd1 in the erythroid lineage die in utero of a lethal anemia around embryonic day E13.5. Lsd1 knockout embryos displayed an increase in CD71_high c-Kit_high pro-erythroblasts, followed by a drastic reduction of later maturation stages. To determine the genes altered by Lsd1-loss, CD71_high c-Kit_high pro-erythroblasts from Lsd1fl/fl and Lsd1fl/fl EpoRCre mice were FACS-purified to be analyzed by gene expression profiling.
Project description:To comprehensively learn about the mechanisms of METTL3-mediated pro-tumoral functions, we performed RNA-sequencing to identify differentially expressed genes in isolated MDSC in Mettl3fl/fl (WT) and LysM-cre, Mettl3fl/fl (KO) MC38-bearing mice
Project description:To comprehensively learn about the mechanisms of METTL3-mediated pro-tumoral functions, we performed RNA-sequencing to identify differentially expressed genes in bone-marrow-derived macrophages (BMDMs) in Mettl3fl/fl (WT) and LysM-cre, Mettl3fl/fl (KO) mice after co-cultured with MC38 cell line.
Project description:To study the role Cnot3 in early B cells development, RNASeq analysis of pro-B cells (B220+ and CD43+) was performed in tamoxifen treated Cnot3(fl/fl) RERTCre and Cnot3+/+;RERTCre mice.
Project description:Purpose: We compared the transcriptomes of murine CD4 T cells lacking either the vhl gene ( vhlfl/fl cd4 cre (vhl cKO) ) or both vhl and hif1a (hif1afl/fl vhlfl/fl cd4 cre (dcKO)) with WT controls before and 24 h after T cell receptor stimulation using anti-CD3/CD28. Results: Using an optimized data analysis workflow, about 45-60 million sequence reads per sample to the mouse genome (build mm10) and identified ca 12500 transcripts in the CD4 T cells of WT and mutant mice after performing HISAT2 alignements to the mm10 reference. Conclusion: the segregation of the transcriptome of unstimulated WT CD4 T cells as compared to the other groups. Within the TCR-stimulated groups the gene expression of vhl cKO CD4 T cells differed to that of WT and vhl hif1a dcKO CD4 T cells which showed in comparison important similarity between them