LncRNA EPR transcriptional activity controls intestinal mucus and prevents susceptibility to inflammation and tumorigenesis SW480 [RNA-Seq]
Ontology highlight
ABSTRACT: The lncRNA EPR (a.k.a BC030870) is highly enriched in the gastrointestinal tract in mice and, more specifically, in the large intestine. We generated conditional EPR knock-out in large intestine e and analyzed genome-wide the gene expression changes by RNA-Seq. Total RNA was extracted from the proximal colon of six control (EPR fl/fl) and six knock-out (EPR cKO) mice. Libraries were constructed and sequenced. Results indicate that EPR knock-out predominantly leads to down-regulation of genes implicated in mucus biogenesis. These results help in explaining the phenotype displayed by EPR cKO mice that is characterized by higher susceptibility to intestinal inflammation and cancer formation.
ORGANISM(S): Homo sapiens
PROVIDER: GSE219181 | GEO | 2023/03/28