ABSTRACT: A run-on assay that precisely maps the transcription start sites genome-wide with high sensitivity and specificity in CTCF_T. For data usage terms and conditions, please refer to http://www.genome.gov/27528022 and http://www.genome.gov/Pages/Research/ENCODE/ENCODE_Data_Use_Policy_for_External_Users_03-07-14.pdf
Project description:A run-on assay that precisely maps the transcription start sites genome-wide with high sensitivity and specificity in BRD4_U. For data usage terms and conditions, please refer to http://www.genome.gov/27528022 and http://www.genome.gov/Pages/Research/ENCODE/ENCODE_Data_Use_Policy_for_External_Users_03-07-14.pdf
Project description:A run-on assay that precisely maps the transcription start sites genome-wide with high sensitivity and specificity in POLR2A_T. For data usage terms and conditions, please refer to http://www.genome.gov/27528022 and http://www.genome.gov/Pages/Research/ENCODE/ENCODE_Data_Use_Policy_for_External_Users_03-07-14.pdf
Project description:A run-on assay that precisely maps the transcription start sites genome-wide with high sensitivity and specificity in BRD4_T. For data usage terms and conditions, please refer to http://www.genome.gov/27528022 and http://www.genome.gov/Pages/Research/ENCODE/ENCODE_Data_Use_Policy_for_External_Users_03-07-14.pdf
Project description:A run-on assay that precisely maps the transcription start sites genome-wide with high sensitivity and specificity in CTCF_U. For data usage terms and conditions, please refer to http://www.genome.gov/27528022 and http://www.genome.gov/Pages/Research/ENCODE/ENCODE_Data_Use_Policy_for_External_Users_03-07-14.pdf
Project description:A run-on assay that precisely maps the transcription start sites genome-wide with high sensitivity and specificity in SMARCA5_U. For data usage terms and conditions, please refer to http://www.genome.gov/27528022 and http://www.genome.gov/Pages/Research/ENCODE/ENCODE_Data_Use_Policy_for_External_Users_03-07-14.pdf
Project description:A run-on assay that precisely maps the transcription start sites genome-wide with high sensitivity and specificity in MED14_U. For data usage terms and conditions, please refer to http://www.genome.gov/27528022 and http://www.genome.gov/Pages/Research/ENCODE/ENCODE_Data_Use_Policy_for_External_Users_03-07-14.pdf
Project description:A run-on assay that precisely maps the transcription start sites genome-wide with high sensitivity and specificity in CDK7_T. For data usage terms and conditions, please refer to http://www.genome.gov/27528022 and http://www.genome.gov/Pages/Research/ENCODE/ENCODE_Data_Use_Policy_for_External_Users_03-07-14.pdf
Project description:A run-on assay that precisely maps the transcription start sites genome-wide with high sensitivity and specificity in RAD21_U. For data usage terms and conditions, please refer to http://www.genome.gov/27528022 and http://www.genome.gov/Pages/Research/ENCODE/ENCODE_Data_Use_Policy_for_External_Users_03-07-14.pdf
Project description:A run-on assay that precisely maps the transcription start sites genome-wide with high sensitivity and specificity in SUPT16H_U. For data usage terms and conditions, please refer to http://www.genome.gov/27528022 and http://www.genome.gov/Pages/Research/ENCODE/ENCODE_Data_Use_Policy_for_External_Users_03-07-14.pdf
Project description:A run-on assay that precisely maps the transcription start sites genome-wide with high sensitivity and specificity in CDK7_U. For data usage terms and conditions, please refer to http://www.genome.gov/27528022 and http://www.genome.gov/Pages/Research/ENCODE/ENCODE_Data_Use_Policy_for_External_Users_03-07-14.pdf