Project description:Borna disease virus (BDV) is a highly neurotropic negative-strand RNA virus that belongs to the Mononegavirales. Many reports demonstrated that natural infection of BDV occurs worldwide in a variety of vertebrate species, suggesting that host range of this virus includes all warm-blooded animals. BDV persistently infects the central nervous system (CNS) of many animal species and causes neurobehavioral disorders resembling autism, such as anxiety, aggression, hyperactivity, abnormal play behavior, and cognitive deficits. We previously reported the generation of transgenic mice expressing BDV phosphoprotein (P) selectively in astrocytes. This transgenic mouse, P-Tg, showed striking neurobehavioral abnormalities resembling those in BDV-infected animals, such as enhanced intermale aggressiveness, hyperactivity and spatial reference memory deficit. To reveal the molecular mechanisms how glial cells induce these abnormalities, we performed microarray analysis using C6 rat glioma cells expressing either GFP (C6-GFP) or BDV P (C6-P). Sixty-eight genes are significantly affected in C6-P cells. The genes, whose products are localized at the extracellular region, were enriched in the differentially expressed genes in C6-P cells. Furthermore, gene ontology analysis revealed an emphasis on genes involved in morphogenesis. It is highly likely that the secretion of astrocyte factors may be widely dysregulated in the P-Tg, leading to the astrocyte hypofunction in the brain.
Project description:Analysis of Hoechst 33342 dye-effluxing side population cells (SP cells defined as glioma stem cells, GSCs) and dye-retaining main population cells (MP cells defined as non-GSCs) that were FACS-sorted from the C6 glioma cell line stably expressing EGFP (C6-eGFP). ECM-related genes, such as Col4a1 and Col4a2, and the iron carrier gene Tf are upregulated in MP cells. Results provide the insight into molecular basis underlying the maintenance of GSCs by non-GSCs. Gene expression profiles were compared between SP and MP cells just after FACS-sorting from the whole C6-eGFP cells based on their Hoechst-effluxing abilities.
Project description:Analysis of Hoechst 33342 dye-effluxing side population cells (SP cells defined as glioma stem cells, GSCs) and dye-retaining main population cells (MP cells defined as non-GSCs) that were FACS-sorted from the C6 glioma cell line stably expressing EGFP (C6-eGFP). ECM-related genes, such as Col4a1 and Col4a2, and the iron carrier gene Tf are upregulated in MP cells. Results provide the insight into molecular basis underlying the maintenance of GSCs by non-GSCs.
Project description:Identification of genes mediating glioma invasion promotes the understanding of glia motility and might result in biologically based therapeutic approaches. To evaluate migration mechanisms operating in vitro versus in vivo, we used C6 rat glioma cells for selecting highly migratory cells in a monolayer migration assay (C6) as well as in brains of nude mice (C6SPGFP), and analyzed in each paradigm the expression profiles of these fast" cells versus those of the original "slow" cells.
Project description:To determine codon optimality in Aedes Albopictus C6/36 cells, we blocked transcription using three independent transcription inhibitors (5,6-Dichlorobenzimidazole 1-β-D-ribofuranoside (DRB), Flavopiridol and Triptolide) and measured the RNA level at 6 hours post treatment using RNA-seq.
Project description:We report a map of H3K4me3 - an activiting expression histone modification in C6 rat glioma cells. The data was obtained using whole genome high throughput technology. The sequencing was performed on Solid 5500xl platform. Examination of H3K4me3 histone modification in C6 rat glioma cell line
Project description:We report a map of Stat3 binding sites in C6 rat glioma cells. The data was obtained using whole genome technology using NimbleGen microarrays. Examination of Stat3 binding sites in C6 rat glioma cell line
Project description:We report a map of H3K4me3 - an activiting expression histone modification in C6 rat glioma cells. The data was obtained using whole genome high throughput technology. The sequencing was performed on Solid 5500xl platform.