Project description:We purposed to examine the effect of PGF receptor FP in development of ; bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis in mice. We performed gene ; expression analysis in the lung of WT and FP-KO mice on Days 0, 7 and ; 14. We found out that fibrosis-related genes such as various isoforms ; of collagen, which were induced on Day 7 and continued to increase or ; remained unchanged on Day 14, were induced to less extent in FP-KO ; mice. In contrast, expression of inflammation-related genes peaked on ; Day 7 similarly in WT and FP-KO mice. These results suggest that FP ; functions in fibrosis-phase, not in peak inflammation phase, and ; facilitates fibrogenesis by enhancing expression of fibrosis-related ; genes. Experiment Overall Design: RNA was prepared from the lung of WT and FP-KO mice on Day 0, 7 and 14 Experiment Overall Design: (n=4-5 for each group at each time point) after bleomycin instillation, Experiment Overall Design: and used for hybridization with Affymetrics mouse 430 2.0 microarrays. Experiment Overall Design: Time-dependent changes in expression of genes in FP-KO mice were Experiment Overall Design: compared with those in WT mice.
Project description:Pulmonary fibrosis is a disease characterized by inflammatory cell infiltration, scar formation, deposition of extracellular matrix, alveolar epithelial cell injury and hyperplasia. To determine if alterations in microRNA expression contribute to these phenotypes, microRNA expression profiling of the lungs from bleomycin treated C57Bl/6J mice, relative to that of untreated controls, was undertaken. Mice were treated at 8 weeks old with 100 Units/kg of bleomycin delivered subcutaneously with osmotic minipumps. At 42 days post treatment mice were euthanized and lung microRNA isolated. We identified 11 microRNA's to be significantly differentially expressed (FDR threshold of 0.01) in the lungs of bleomycin treated mice and confirmed these data with real time PCR measurements. These included bleomycin upregulated miR-34a, 335-5p, 207, 21, 301a, 146b, 199a-5p, and 449a and bleomycin downregulated miR-151-3p, 26a and 676. We have previously shown that 1558 genes are differentially expressed in the lungs of bleomycin treated mice. Of the 1412 targets of upregulated microRNAs, 142 were confirmed to be downregulated in the gene expression profile (GEP). Of the 583 targets of downregulated microRNAs, 53 were confirmed to be upregulated in the gene expression profile. Pathway analysis of the microRNA targets and GEP overlapping genes indicated that altered microRNA expression is associated with cellular development, cellular growth, cellular proliferation and changed tissue/cell morphology. Specific pathways include HGF signaling, Cholecystokinin/Gastrin-mediated signaling, Endothelin-1 signaling, RAR activation, Phospholipase C signaling and IGF1 signaling. We conclude that altered microRNA expression is a feature of pulmonary fibrosis which putatively influences components of the altered airway disease. Two condition study, C57Bl/6J mice treated with 100 Units/kg bleomycin and untreated controls. Biological replicated n =3 for each group. Left lung tissue.
Project description:We have developed a ACP5 knock-out BEAS2B cell line. To understand the impact of DEP to ACP5 KO BEAS2B cell line, we treated DEP to ACP5 KO BEAS2B cell line and analyzed changes in transcriptome.
Project description:We purposed to examine the effect of PGF receptor FP in development of bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis in mice. We performed gene expression analysis in the lung of WT and FP-KO mice on Days 0, 7 and 14. We found out that fibrosis-related genes such as various isoforms of collagen, which were induced on Day 7 and continued to increase or remained unchanged on Day 14, were induced to less extent in FP-KO mice. In contrast, expression of inflammation-related genes peaked on Day 7 similarly in WT and FP-KO mice. These results suggest that FP functions in fibrosis-phase, not in peak inflammation phase, and facilitates fibrogenesis by enhancing expression of fibrosis-related genes.
Project description:We conducted fibroblast-specific transcriptome analysis by next generation sequencing in order to investigate qualitative change and activation signatures of lung fibroblasts in bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis. Lung fibroblasts were identified by using reporter mice of collagen-α2(I), in which collagen I-producing fibroblasts were labeled with EGFP. Lungs were dissociated with protease sollution, and single cell suspension were stained with lineage markers (Ter119, CD45, CD31, EpCAM). Lineage- GFP+ cells were sorted out and mRNA was collected. Using serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) method, we identified 2,973,937 SAGE tags (1,080,798 tags from saline-treated GFP+ fibroblasts and 1,893,139 tags from bleomycin-treated GFP+ fibroblasts). We found that genes related to extracellular matrix construction were highly up-regulated in fibroblasts from belomycin-treated lungs. Moreover, an analysis of mRNA profiles revealed biological functions such as proliferation, invasion, adhesion, and migration were promoted in fibroblasts from bleomycin-treated lung, which recapitulated the role of fibroblasts in the fibrogenesis. These fibroblast-specific gene expression profiles will be important notions in future fibrosis studies. mRNA profiles of Lung fibroblasts from 3 mice at day 14 after saline or bleomycin treatment.
Project description:Genomic profiling of bleomycin- and saline-treated mice across 7 timepoints (1, 2, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 days post treatment) was carried out in C57BL6/J mice to determine the phases of response to bleomycin treatment which correspond to onset of active pulmonary fibrosis. Temporal genomic characterization of lung homogenate from male C57BL6/J mice treated intratracheally with bleomycin or saline was carried out at 7 timepoints post treatment (1, 2, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 days). Bleomycin (2U/kg) in 50 μl was intratracheally sprayed once into mice lightly anaesthetized with isoflurane (5% in 100% O2). Control animals received 50 μl of saline. Total RNA was isolated from the mouse lung tissue of bleomycin- and saline-treated mice across the 7 time points (n=8 per group) and homogenized in QIAzol reagent. Purified total RNA was amplified and labeled using NuGen Ovation kits (NuGEN Technologies, Inc., San Carlos, CA), and RNA from samples was hybridized to Affymetrix Mouse 430 2.0 arrays. One sample (saline treated, d14) was flagged as an outlier in principal component analysis and removed from subsequent analysis.
Project description:BCL-2 modulates IRE1a activation to attenuate ER stress and pulmonary fibrosis. Mice were treated with Bleomycin + Vehicle or Bleomycin + Navitoclax. Lungs were harvested 21 days after bleomycin injury followed by enzymatic digestion of the lungs to create single cell suspension and flow-sorting based isolation of total epithelial and stromal cells
Project description:Pulmonary fibrosis is a disease characterized by inflammatory cell infiltration, scar formation, deposition of extracellular matrix, alveolar epithelial cell injury and hyperplasia. To determine if alterations in microRNA expression contribute to these phenotypes, microRNA expression profiling of the lungs from bleomycin treated C57Bl/6J mice, relative to that of untreated controls, was undertaken. Mice were treated at 8 weeks old with 100 Units/kg of bleomycin delivered subcutaneously with osmotic minipumps. At 42 days post treatment mice were euthanized and lung microRNA isolated. We identified 11 microRNA's to be significantly differentially expressed (FDR threshold of 0.01) in the lungs of bleomycin treated mice and confirmed these data with real time PCR measurements. These included bleomycin upregulated miR-34a, 335-5p, 207, 21, 301a, 146b, 199a-5p, and 449a and bleomycin downregulated miR-151-3p, 26a and 676. We have previously shown that 1558 genes are differentially expressed in the lungs of bleomycin treated mice. Of the 1412 targets of upregulated microRNAs, 142 were confirmed to be downregulated in the gene expression profile (GEP). Of the 583 targets of downregulated microRNAs, 53 were confirmed to be upregulated in the gene expression profile. Pathway analysis of the microRNA targets and GEP overlapping genes indicated that altered microRNA expression is associated with cellular development, cellular growth, cellular proliferation and changed tissue/cell morphology. Specific pathways include HGF signaling, Cholecystokinin/Gastrin-mediated signaling, Endothelin-1 signaling, RAR activation, Phospholipase C signaling and IGF1 signaling. We conclude that altered microRNA expression is a feature of pulmonary fibrosis which putatively influences components of the altered airway disease.
Project description:Intratracheal application of bleomycin is known to induce inflammatory and fibrotic reactions in the lung within a short period of time and histological features include infiltration of inflammatory cells, collagen deposition and obliteration of alveolar spaces. Because some of these features are found in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), the bleomycin-induced lung fibrosis animal model is commonly used. However, exploratory treatments that were successfully used in this animal model and progressed to clinical trials lacked significant efficacy in humans. Here, the bleomycin-induced rat lung fibrosis model was studied using whole genome expression data that was collected at various time points and the relevance to human disease was evaluated through comparison with whole genome expression data from IPF patient-derived lung biopsies. The highest gene expression correlation between both species was observed in animals 7 days after bleomycin instillation. These gene expression signatures helped to identify a set of twelve novel disease-relevant translational gene markers that were able to separate IPF patients from controls. Furthermore, three Wnt/-catenin pathway-related genes that belong to this translational gene marker set showed, together with clinical diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide (DLCO) measurements, the potential to stratify IPF patients according to disease severity. Pirfenidone attenuated a subset of the translational gene markers in the bleomycin-induced fibrosis model, in particular those related to Wnt/-catenin-signaling. This novel translational gene marker panel offers improved possibilities to evaluate disease-modifying efficacy of novel therapeutic concepts in the bleomycin-induced rat lung fibrosis model and could be applied as a diagnostic and prognostic tool for IPF patient care. Comparison of bleomycin-treated and control rats after 3 days, 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks, 4 weeks, 6 weeks and 8 weeks; 5 animals per group