Project description:The first GSSM of V. vinifera was reconstructed (MODEL2408120001). Tissue-specific models for stem, leaf, and berry of the Cabernet Sauvignon cultivar were generated from the original model, through the integration of RNA-Seq data. These models have been merged into diel multi-tissue models to study the interactions between tissues at light and dark phases.
Project description:In this study, we make used of mRNA-seq and its ability to reliably quantify isoforms, integrating this data with ribosome profiling and LC-MS/MS, to assign ribosome footprints and peptides at the isoform level. We leverage the principle that most cell types, and even tissues, predominantly express a single principal isoform to set isoform-level mRNA-seq quantifications as priors to guide and improve allocation of footprints or peptides to isoforms. Through tightly integrated mRNAseq, ribosome footprinting and/or LC-MS/MS proteomics we demonstrate that a principal isoform can be identified in over 80% of gene products in homogenous HEK293 cell culture and over 70% of proteins detected in complex human brain tissue. Defining isoforms in experiments with matched RNA-seq and translatomic/proteomic data increases the functional relevance of such datasets and will further broaden our understanding of multi-level control of gene expression. In this PRIDE submission you will find the raw files for the HEK293 cell proteomics. Files for the human brain proteomics can be found at PXD005445. We have also uploaded a zip file that contains the input files for our HEK293 cell analysis, and the isoform level output files – there is a separate folder within the zip files for these. The data used to create the manuscript figures is in the Rdata file. Code for assigning peptides and footprints to isoforms can be found on Github here:
Project description:Background: The multiome is an integrated assembly of distinct classes of molecules and molecular properties, or “omes,” measured in the same biospecimen. Freezing and formalin-fixed paraffin-embedding (FFPE) are two common ways to store tissues, and these practices have generated vast biospecimen repositories. However, these biospecimens have been underutilized for multi-omic analysis due to the low throughput of current analytical technologies that impede large-scale studies. Methods: Tissue sampling, preparation, and downstream analysis were integrated into a 96-well format multi-omics workflow, MultiomicsTracks96. Frozen mouse organs were sampled using the CryoGrid system, and matched FFPE samples were processed using a microtome. The 96-well format sonicator, PIXUL, was adapted to extract DNA, RNA, chromatin, and protein from tissues. The 96-well format analytical platform, Matrix, was used for chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP), methylated DNA immunoprecipitation (MeDIP), methylated RNA immunoprecipitation (MeRIP), and RNA reverse transcription (RT) assays followed by qPCR and sequencing. LCMS/ MS was used for protein analysis. The Segway genome segmentation algorithm was used to identify functional genomic regions, and linear regressors based on the multi-omics data were trained to predict protein expression. Results: MultiomicsTracks96 was used to generate 8-dimensional datasets including RNA-seq measurements of mRNA expression; MeRIP-seq measurements of m6A and m5C; ChIP-seq measurements of H3K27Ac, H3K4m3, and Pol II; MeDIP-seq measurements of 5mC; and LCMS/ MS measurements of proteins. We observed high correlation between data from matched frozen and FFPE organs. The Segway genome segmentation algorithm applied to epigenomic profiles (ChIP-seq: H3K27Ac, H3K4m3, Pol II; MeDIP-seq: 5mC) was able to recapitulate and predict organ-specific super-enhancers in both FFPE and frozen samples. Linear regression analysis showed that proteomic expression profiles can be more accurately predicted by the full suite of multi-omics data, compared to using epigenomic, transcriptomic, or epitranscriptomic measurements individually. Conclusions: The MultiomicsTracks96 workflow is well suited for high dimensional multi-omics studies – for instance, multiorgan animal models of disease, drug toxicities, environmental exposure, and aging as well as large-scale clinical investigations involving the use of biospecimens from existing tissue repositories.
Project description:Primary Objective:
* To determine whether celecoxib downregulates GATA-6 expression to upregulate 15-LOX-1 expression and induce apoptosis in human rectal tumors, researchers will measure GATA-6 and 15-LOX-1 expression, 13-S-HODE levels, and apoptosis rates in normal and colorectal polyp epithelial tissues before and after 6 months of celecoxib treatment of patients with familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP).
Project description:Epithelial cells and differentiated fiber cells represent distinct compartments in the ocular lens. While previous studies have revealed proteins that are preferentially expressed in epithelial vs. fiber cells, a comprehensive proteomics library comparing the molecular composition of epithelial vs. fiber cells is essential for understanding lens formation, function, disease and regenerative potential, and for efficient differentiation of pluripotent stem cells for modeling of lens development and pathology in vitro. To compare protein composition between the lens epithelium and fibers, we employed tandem mass spectrometry (2DLC/ MS) analysis of micro-dissected mouse P0.5 lenses. Functional classifications of the top 525 identified proteins into gene ontology categories by molecular process and subcellular localization, were adapted for lens. Expression levels of both epithelial and fiber proteomes were compared with their temporal and spatial mRNA levels using E14.5, E16.5, E18.5, and P0.5 RNA-Seq data sets. During this developmental time window, multiple complex biosynthetic and catabolic processes generate the molecular and structural foundation for lens transparency. As expected, crystallins showed a high correlation between their mRNA and protein levels. Comprehensive data analysis confirmed and/or predicted roles for transcription factors (TFs), RNA-binding proteins, translational apparatus including ribosomal heterogeneity and initiation factors, microtubules, cytoskeletal and membrane proteins in lens formation and maturation. Our data highlighted many proteins with unknown function in the lens that were preferentially enriched in epithelium or fibers, setting the stage for future studies to further dissect the roles of these proteins in fiber cell differentiation vs. epithelial cell maintenance. In conclusion, the present proteomic datasets established reference mouse lens epithelium and fiber cell proteomes, provided quantitative analyses of protein and RNA-Seq data, and probed the major proteome remodeling required to form the mature lens fiber cells.
Project description:Intervention type:DRUG. Intervention1:Huaier, Dose form:GRANULES, Route of administration:ORAL, intended dose regimen:20 to 60/day by either bulk or split for 3 months to extended term if necessary. Control intervention1:None.
Primary outcome(s): For mRNA libraries, focus on mRNA studies. Data analysis includes sequencing data processing and basic sequencing data quality control, prediction of new transcripts, differential expression analysis of genes. Gene Ontology (GO) and the KEGG pathway database are used for annotation and enrichment analysis of up-regulated genes and down-regulated genes.
For small RNA libraries, data analysis includes sequencing data process and sequencing data process QC, small RNA distribution across the genome, rRNA, tRNA, alignment with snRNA and snoRNA, construction of known miRNA expression pattern, prediction New miRNA and Study of their secondary structure Based on the expression pattern of miRNA, we perform not only GO / KEGG annotation and enrichment, but also different expression analysis.. Timepoint:RNA sequencing of 240 blood samples of 80 cases and its analysis, scheduled from June 30, 2022..
Project description:In this project, we aim to pair-wise analyze the genomes, transcriptomes and proteomes of in-bred rats originating from two different genetic backgrounds. These two strains are Brown Norway (BN-Lx) and Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats (SHR). First, we re-sequenced the genomes for both BN and SHR rats, followed by RNA-seq and proteomics of their liver tissues. We then append novel predicted gene models, non-synonymous SNPs and INDELs (derived from genome re-sequencing), as well as transcript variants such as RNA-editing and alternative splicing (derived from RNA-seq) that can diversify existing protein sequences onto the ENSEMBL rat FASTA (Build 68) to build an enhanced database. For proteomics studies, equal amount of liver lysates were digested with trypsin, LysC, GluC, AspN and chymotrypsin and were individually fractionated with strong cationic exchange chromatography. Doubly- and triply-charged fractions were analyzed with an Triple-TOF 5600 with collision-activated dissociation (CAD); while electron-transfer dissociation (ETD) was applied for fractions containing triple charges and above with a LTQ-Orbitrap Velos. Data analysis: Peak List generation: For Wiff files generated from TripleTOF 5600, tandem MS spectra were de-isotoped, charge- deconvoluted and peak lists converted to Mascot generic format (MGF) files using AB Sciex Data Converter (version 1.1). For data generated from the LTQ-Orbitrap Velos, Raw files were converted to MGF files using Proteome Discoverer (version 1.3). The non-fragment filter was used to simplify ETD spectra and the Top N filter for the HCD spectra. Three MGF files were generated (one for HCD, one for ETD IT and one for ETD FT). The files with an orbitrap readout were deisotoped and charge de-convoluted. Database Searching: All MGF files were queried with Mascot search engine (version 2.3) via Proteome Discoverer version 1.3 (PD 1.3, Thermo Fisher) for submission. The spectra were searched against in-house database (NGS_COMBINED). One of the five different enzymes used (Trypsin/P, LysC/P, Chymotrypsin, GluC-DE and AspN_ambic) were selected for each file and up to 9 missed cleavages were allowed. Cysteine carbamidomethylation was set as fixed modification, and oxidation of methionine and acetylation of the N-term as variable modifications. Peptide tolerance was initially set to 50 ppm and the MS/MS tolerance was set to 0.1 Da (for TOF readout), 0.02 Da (orbitrap readout) and 0.5 Da (ion trap readout). All peptide-spectrum matches (PSMs) were evaluated with Percolator for validation. We classified each PSM based on their q value. For proteins identification, we used set a high stringency filter of q = 0 (0% FDR). For peaks lists that do not yield any peptide matches, we exported them with PD 1.3 for further analysis. De novo search with PEAKS: Unassigned peak lists that are exported were re-analyzed with another software suite i.e. PEAKS Studio (version 6.0). The identification workflows is as follows. Peak lists were first filtered with a quality value of 0.65 as suggested by the manufacturer followed by de novo spectra interpretation. In this step, both peptide tolerance and MS/MS tolerance were set according to MASCOT search. To broaden the search space for these unassigned spectra, we additionally set de-amidation of asparagine and glutamine, and pyro-glu from glutamic acid and glutamine as variable modifications, on top of the other modifications indicated above. Maximum allowed variable PTM per peptide was set to 3. Finally de novo interpreted PSMs were submitted to PEAKS DB database matching, this time allowing semi-enzymatic specificity and a maximum cleavages per peptide of 2. Database used was set to NGS_COMBINED. FDR was estimated using decoy-fusion. The genomics and transcriptomics data are already deposited in the respective EBI repositories. Some of these data are derived from an already published manuscript. For the genomics data (from: Genetic basis of transcriptome differences between the founder strains of the rat HXB/BXH recombinant inbred panel by Simonis et al PMID:22541052) DNA data in Sequence Read Archive (SRA): BN-Lx genome: ERP001355, SHR genome: ERP001371, BN reference genome: ERP000510, RNA data in ArrayExpress: BN-Lx and SHR fragment RNA-seq data: E-MTAB-1029, BN-Lx and SHR paired-end RNA-seq data: to be submitted.
Project description:Identify shifts in gene expression relevant to torpor phenotypes and recovery following torpor in five tissues of the 13-lined ground squirrel. Sampled tissues and time points overlap with prior hibernation RNA-seq studies in 13-lined ground squirrel and other species, allowing for the analysis of conserved gene expression patterns in torpor.
Project description:<p>Gene expression is a biological process regulated at different molecular levels, including chromatin accessibility, transcription, and RNA maturation and transport. In addition, these regulatory mechanisms have strong links with cellular metabolism. Here we present a multi-omics dataset that captures different aspects of this multi-layered process in yeast. We obtained RNA-seq, metabolomics, and H4K12Ac ChIP-seq data for wild-type and mip6delta strains during a heat-shock time course. Mip6 is an RNA-binding protein that contributes to RNA export during environmental stress and is informative of the contribution of post-transcriptional regulation to control cellular adaptations to environmental changes. The experiment was performed in quadruplicate, and the different omics measurements were obtained from the same biological samples, which facilitates the integration and analysis of data using covariance-based methods. We validate our dataset by showing that ChIP-seq, RNA-seq and metabolomics signals recapitulate existing knowledge about the response of ribosomal genes and the contribution of trehalose metabolism to heat stress.</p>