Project description:TMT16 plex MS proteomics based comparison of 8 breast cancer cell lines in duplicates. Peptides were fractionated by HiRIEF and analyzed by Q-exactive HF.
The cell lines are: HCC1937
Project description:Transcriptional profiling was conducted on RNA from 23 breast cancer cell lines to identify genes whose expression level correlates with sensitivity of particular drug Experiment Overall Design: Baseline gene expression profiling was performed using 23 breast cancer cell lines to identify genomic signatures highly correlated with in vitro sensitivity to a particular drug
Project description:Microarrays were used to detail the global programme of gene expression underlying breast cancer cell lines. We identified two main groups of luminal-type and basal-type breast cancer cell lines by unsupervised Pearson correlation of breast cancer cell lines and intrinsic subtyping. Supervised analysis on spindle versus non-spindle breast cancer cell lines identified a spindle cell signature of 1,144 genes identifying all spindle, basal-type, E-cadherin methylated breast cancer cell lines.
Project description:Breast cancer cell lines grown in full serum under standard conditions were profiled on Affymetrix GeneChip Mapping 100K Set Arrays Keywords: Mapping Array