Project description:Granulocyte-Macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) devlops heterogenous myeloid cell populations from bone marrow progenitor cells. In vitro generated bone marrow derived cells are excellent sources for obtaining dendritic cells or macrophages, but it is still not clear about the exact mixed population characteristics of GM-CSF grown cells. We revealed here that GM-CSF grown bone marrow cell derived attaching cells were composed of dendritic cells (GM-BMDC) as well as macrophages (GM-BMM). We compared the transcriptome profiles of these cell populations as well as M-CSF grown bone marrow derived macrophages (M-BMM). We used microarrays to detail the global profile of gene expressions between three populations of CSF-grown bone marrow derived cells: GM-CSF derived dendritic cells (GM-BMDC), GM-CSF derived macrophages (GM-BMM) and M-CSF derived macrophages (M-BMM).
Project description:Granulocyte-Macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) devlops heterogenous myeloid cell populations from bone marrow progenitor cells. In vitro generated bone marrow derived cells are excellent sources for obtaining dendritic cells or macrophages, but it is still not clear about the exact mixed population characteristics of GM-CSF grown cells. We revealed here that GM-CSF grown bone marrow cell derived attaching cells were composed of dendritic cells (GM-BMDC) as well as macrophages (GM-BMM). We compared the transcriptome profiles of these cell populations as well as M-CSF grown bone marrow derived macrophages (M-BMM). We used microarrays to detail the global profile of gene expressions between three populations of CSF-grown bone marrow derived cells: GM-CSF derived dendritic cells (GM-BMDC), GM-CSF derived macrophages (GM-BMM) and M-CSF derived macrophages (M-BMM). Bone marrow cells were differentiated for 7 days with 25 ng/ml GM-CSF or 20% L cell conditioned media as a M-CSF supplier. GM-BMDCs were sorted from MHCIIhighF4/80low population and GM-BMMs were sorted in the MHCIIlowF4/80high population. M-BMMs were sorted from CD11b+F4/80+ population.
Project description:Bone marrow cells were isolated, primed with M-CSF (M-BMDM) or GM-CSF (GM-BMDM) and cultured for 7 days. The proteomic difference between GM-BMDM and M-BMDM were analyzed to describe the phenotye and function of two types of macrophages.
Project description:By employing miRCURY LNAM-bM-^DM-" microRNA Array, we have identified a subset of 21 top miRNAs that are differentially expressed between GM-BMM and M-BMM cells To know the differential expression of miRNA in mouse GM-CSF-induced bone marrow-derived macrophages (GM-BMM) vs. M-CSF-induced BMM (M-BMM)
Project description:Analysis of genes induced in DC precursors and in BM cells and monocytes treated with GM-CSF For progenitor arrays, bone marrow progenitors (CMP, GMP, CDP, and pre-cDC) were harvested from WT C57Bl/6 mice. For culture arrays, BM was cultured in the presence of GM-CSF or M-CSF and adherent and non-adherent cells sorted. For monocyte cultures, sorted BM monocytes were treated with GM-CSF for 0, 24 or 48 hours.
Project description:This SuperSeries is composed of the following subset Series: GSE37028: Microarray analysis of Zbtb46 KO CD4+ Splenic DCs and bone marrow erythroid progenitors GSE37029: Microarray analysis of WT bone marrow myeloid progenitors, BM cultured with GM-CSF and M-CSF, and monocytes treated with GM-CSF Refer to individual Series
Project description:To explore reovirus-macrophage interactions, we performed tandem mass tag (TMT)-based quantitative temporal proteomics on mouse bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMMs) generated with 2 cytokines, M-CSF and GM-CSF, representing anti- and pro-inflammatory macrophages, respectively. We quantified 6,863 proteins across five time points in duplicate, comparing M-CSF (M-BMM) and GM-CSF (GM-BMM) in response to OV. We find that GM-BMMs have lower expression of key intrinsic proteins that facilitate an anti-viral immune response, express higher levels of reovirus receptor protein JAM-A and are more susceptible to oncolytic reovirus infection compared to M-BMMs. Interestingly, although M-BMMs are less susceptible to reovirus infection and subsequent cell death, they initiate an anti-reovirus adaptive T cell immune response comparable to that of GM-BMMs. Taken together, these data describe distinct proteome differences between these two macrophage populations in terms of their ability to mount anti-viral immune responses.
Project description:Nlrc5 is encoding a Nod-like receptor protein NLRC5/NOD27. To check the involvement of Nlrc5 in antiviral response, we examined gene expression profile in wild-type and Nlrc5 knockout GM-CSF bone marrow macrophage with using microarrays. Bone marrow cells were cultured with GM-CSF and harvested on day 6. The induced dendritic cells were then stimulated with NDV at moi 1, collected at 0, 2, and 4 hours after infection. Total RNA was extracted and subjected to microarray experiment according to manufactures' instructions.
Project description:RATIONALE: Vaccines made from a person’s cancer proteins may help the body build an effective immune response to kill cancer cells. Colony-stimulating factors, such as GM-CSF, may increase the number of immune cells found in bone marrow or peripheral blood. Giving vaccine therapy together with GM-CSF may make a stronger immune response and kill more cancer cells.
PURPOSE: This phase II trial is studying the side effects and how well giving vaccine therapy together with GM-CSF works in treating patients with CNS lymphoma.