Project description:adt07-03_mir398-mutants - mir398 mutant analysis - Defining new targets of miR398 by transcriptome analysis of two miR398 mutant alleles. - Plants were grown on soil in culture chambers under the following conditions, a day/night cycle of 16/8 hours was applied, light intensity was around 100-150 umol m-2 s-1, temperature day/night was 20/15°C. Plants were harvested 17 days later and RNAs were then extracted. The experiment was repeated twice. Keywords: gene knock out
Project description:au06-03_tsn_fj - tsn_fj - Root transcriptome of the tsn1 tsn2 double mutant - Comparison of a tsn1 tsn2 double mutant line (A10.9.3- or A13.3.11-) and an isogenic line complemented by TSN2 (A10.9.5) or TSN1 (A13.3.2) Keywords: gene knock in (transgenic),gene knock out
Project description:rs05-07_nucleolin - analysis of atnuc-l1 mutant line - To establish if nucleolin plays a role in controlling gene expression of genes involved in ribosome biogenesis - transcriptome analysis of the Atnuc-L1 mutant line Keywords: gene knock out
Project description:adt05-04_drn - mutant vs wildtype - DRN targets - Ovules containing heart-stage/torpedo-stage embryos were dissected from siliques and imidiately shock frozen in liquid nitrogen. RNA was extracted and sent to Evry for comparison between mutant and wildtype transcriptome. Keywords: gene knock out
Project description:adt07-03_mir398-mutants - mir398 mutant analysis - Defining new targets of miR398 by transcriptome analysis of two miR398 mutant alleles. - Plants were grown on soil in culture chambers under the following conditions, a day/night cycle of 16/8 hours was applied, light intensity was around 100-150 umol m-2 s-1, temperature day/night was 20/15°C. Plants were harvested 17 days later and RNAs were then extracted. The experiment was repeated twice. Keywords: gene knock out 4 dye-swap - CATMA arrays
Project description:rs05-12_setii - all comparison - Differential transcriptome in mutant plants - seeds were sown in vitro and plantlets (Col0 wild type ,and n1, n2, n3, x123, sdg8, vip4,sdg25 and sdg26 mutants)were cultivated during 6 days (1.02 boyes stadge) Keywords: gene knock out
Project description:rs05-12_setii - sdg25 and sdg26 - Differential transcriptome in mutant plants - seeds were sown in vitro and plantlets (Col0 wild type ,and n1, n2, n3, x123, sdg8, vip4,sdg25 and sdg26 mutants)were cultivated during 6 days (1.02 boyes stadge) Keywords: gene knock out
Project description:au06-03_tsn_fj - tsn_fj - Root transcriptome of the tsn1 tsn2 double mutant - Comparison of a tsn1 tsn2 double mutant line (A10.9.3- or A13.3.11-) and an isogenic line complemented by TSN2 (A10.9.5) or TSN1 (A13.3.2) Keywords: gene knock in (transgenic),gene knock out 6 dye-swap - CATMA arrays
Project description:ra04-02_ago - ago - Identification of the regulation pathways implied in adventitious root formation control in Arabidopsis - Transcription analisys of 2 different AGO1 mutants Keywords: gene knock out