Project description:miRNAs modulate processes in development, aging and cancer formation. However, miRNA function in sweat gland development has not been previously studied. By generating skin specific Dicer knockout mice, we show that miRNAs are required for post-induction stage sweat gland development.
Project description:miRNAs modulate processes in development, aging and cancer formation. However, miRNA function in sweat gland development has not been previously studied. By generating skin specific Dicer knockout mice, we show that miRNAs are required for post-induction stage sweat gland development.
Project description:Eccrine sweat glands help to maintain homoeostasis, primarily by stabilizing body temperature. Derived from embryonic ectoderm, millions of eccrine glands are distributed across human skin and secrete litres of sweat per day. Their easy accessibility has facilitated the start of analyses of their development and function. Mouse genetic models find sweat gland development regulated sequentially by Wnt, Eda and Shh pathways, although precise subpathways and additional regulators require further elucidation. Mature glands have two secretory cell types, clear and dark cells, whose comparative development and functional interactions remain largely unknown. Clear cells have long been known as the major secretory cells, but recent studies suggest that dark cells are also indispensable for sweat secretion. Dark cell-specific Foxa1 expression was shown to regulate a Ca(2+) -dependent Best2 anion channel that is the candidate driver for the required ion currents. Overall, it was shown that cholinergic impulses trigger sweat secretion in mature glands through second messengers - for example InsP3 and Ca(2+) - and downstream ion channels/transporters in the framework of a Na(+) -K(+) -Cl(-) cotransporter model. Notably, the microenvironment surrounding secretory cells, including acid-base balance, was implicated to be important for proper sweat secretion, which requires further clarification. Furthermore, multiple ion channels have been shown to be expressed in clear and dark cells, but the degree to which various ion channels function redundantly or indispensably also remains to be determined.
Project description:Sweat glands perform a vital thermoregulatory function in mammals. Like other skin components, they originate from epidermal progenitors. However, they have low regenerative potential in response to injury. We have established a sweat gland culture and expansion method using 3D organoids cultures. The epithelial cells derived from sweat glands in dermis of adult mouse paw pads were embedded into Matrigel and formed sweat gland organoids (SGOs). These organoids maintained remarkable stem cell features and demonstrated differentiation capacity to give rise to either sweat gland cells (SGCs) or epidermal cells. Moreover, the bipotent SGO-derived cells could be induced into stratified epidermis structures at the air-liquid interface culture in a medium tailored for skin epidermal cells in vitro. The SGCs embedded in Matrigel tailored for sweat glands formed epithelial organoids, which expressed sweat-gland-specific markers, such as cytokeratin (CK) 18 and CK19, aquaporin (AQP) 5 and αATP. More importantly, they had potential of regeneration of epidermis and sweat gland when they were transplanted into the mouse back wound and claw pad with sweat gland injury, respectively. In summary, we established and optimized culture conditions for effective generation of mouse SGOs. These cells are candidates to restore impaired sweat gland tissue as well as to improve cutaneous skin regeneration.
Project description:EDA signaling is important in skin appendage initiation. Its possible involvement in appendage subtype determination and postinduction stage appendage development, however, has not been studied systematically. To address these issues we manipulated Eda-A1 transgene expression in a tetracycline-regulated conditional mouse model, where the transgene is the only source of active ectodysplasin (Eda). We find that Eda-A1 restores sweat glands and all hair subtypes in Tabby, but each requires its action at an idiosyncratic time of development: by E17 for guard, by E19 for awl, and starting at E18 for zigzag/auchen hair. Guard and awl hairs were indistinguishable from their wild-type counterparts; but restored zigzag and auchen hairs, although recognizable, were somewhat smaller and lacked characteristic bends. Notably, secondary hair follicle formation of awl, auchen, and zigzag hairs required higher Eda-A1 expression level than did guard hair or sweat glands. Furthermore, Eda-A1 expression is required until the early dermal papilla stage for guard hair germs to make follicles, but is dispensable for their maturation. Similarly, sweat gland pegs require Eda-A1 at an early stage to form mature glands. Thus we infer that EDA signaling is needed for the determination and development of various skin appendages at spatiotemporally restricted intervals.