Project description:Analysis of embryos exposed to either: [1] 40 uM 4-hydroperoxycyclophosphamide for 1 or 5 hours at 37°C [2] 43°C heat shock for 15 minutes followed by 1 or 5 hours at 37°C This SuperSeries is composed of the following subset Series: GSE866: CP 1hr GSE869: HS 1hr GSE870: HS 5hr GSE888: CP 5hr
Project description:Analysis of embryos exposed to either: [1] 40 uM 4-hydroperoxycyclophosphamide for 1 or 5 hours at 37°C [2] 43°C heat shock for 15 minutes followed by 1 or 5 hours at 37°C This SuperSeries is composed of the SubSeries listed below.
Project description:Gene expression of different flocculent (HS 10 and HS 34) and powdery (HS 12 and HS 37) yeast strains compared to each other during exponential and stationary growth phase was analysed. The isolation of RNA was done by disruption of the cells under liquid nitrogen using mortar and pistil and then the Qiagen RNeasy Midi Kit with some modifications within the manufacturers´ protocol and the Qiagen RNase-Free DNase Set were applied. 6 µg of the total RNA per sample was used for each microarray experiments. The indirect labelling by the tyramide-signal-amplification method (MicromaxTM TSATM labelling and detection Kit from Perkin Elmer life sciences) was used to increase the Cy3 and Cy5 signals of microarray detection. Each cDNA containing Biotin- and Fluorescein-nucleotides respectively was purified with a QIAquick PCR purification kit and suspended in 11 µl of the formamide containing hybridization buffer. The slides were hybridized at 42°C over night under a cover slip. The microarrays were scanned by the Axon 4000B scanner; image intensity data were extracted and analysed with GenePix® Pro 6.0 software. Data from different scans of Dye-swap experiment were extracted by GenePix Pro 6.0 software, normalized and united. An outliertest has been applied in order to find outliers amongst the gene replicats. Subsequently, a t-test (1% and 5% probability of error) has been used in order to find regulated genes. Keywords: sorted yeast cells Microarray experiments were realised with dye swap.
Project description:Gene expression of different flocculent (HS 10 and HS 34) and powdery (HS 12 and HS 37) yeast strains compared to each other during exponential and stationary growth phase was analysed. The isolation of RNA was done by disruption of the cells under liquid nitrogen using mortar and pistil and then the Qiagen RNeasy Midi Kit with some modifications within the manufacturers´ protocol and the Qiagen RNase-Free DNase Set were applied. 6 µg of the total RNA per sample was used for each microarray experiments. The indirect labelling by the tyramide-signal-amplification method (MicromaxTM TSATM labelling and detection Kit from Perkin Elmer life sciences) was used to increase the Cy3 and Cy5 signals of microarray detection. Each cDNA containing Biotin- and Fluorescein-nucleotides respectively was purified with a QIAquick PCR purification kit and suspended in 11 µl of the formamide containing hybridization buffer. The slides were hybridized at 42°C over night under a cover slip. The microarrays were scanned by the Axon 4000B scanner; image intensity data were extracted and analysed with GenePix® Pro 6.0 software. Data from different scans of Dye-swap experiment were extracted by GenePix Pro 6.0 software, normalized and united. An outliertest has been applied in order to find outliers amongst the gene replicats. Subsequently, a t-test (1% and 5% probability of error) has been used in order to find regulated genes. Keywords: sorted yeast cells
Project description:C + S: Context + Shock. Young male C57BL/6J mice were exposed to a contextual fear conditioning paradigm that consisted of: Placement into a novel spatial context for 2 min. After 2 min, a 1 sec (0.5 mA) shock was administered through a floor grid. The 2 min-1 sec shock paradigm was repeated for a total of 3 shocks. 1 min after the last shock, animals were removed to their homecage. RNA was extracted was extracted 1 hour after the last shock treatment. All three sample treatments are identical but prepared separately. Keywords: repeat sample
Project description:C + S: Context + Shock. Young male C57BL/6J mice were exposed to a contextual fear conditioning paradigm that consisted of: Placement into a novel spatial context for 2 min. After 2 min, a 1 sec (0.5 mA) shock was administered through a floor grid. The 2 min-1 sec shock paradigm was repeated for a total of 3 shocks. 1 min after the last shock, animals were removed to their homecage. RNA was extracted was extracted 1 hour after the last shock treatment. All three sample treatments are identical but prepared separately. Keywords: repeat sample
Project description:Samples GSM206658-GSM206693: Acquired Stress resistance in S. cerevisiae: NaCl primary and H2O2 secondary Transcriptional timecourses of yeast cells exposed to 0.7M NaCl alone, 0.5mM H2O2 alone, or 0.5mM H2O2 following 0.7M NaCl, all compared to an unstressed sample. Repeated using msn2∆ strain. Samples GSM291156-GSM291196: Transcriptional response to stress in strains lacking MSN2 and/or MSN4 Transcriptional timecourses of yeast cells (WT, msn2∆, msn4∆, or msn2∆msn4∆) exposed to 0.7M NaCl for 45 minutes or 30-37˚C Heat Shift for 15 min compared to an unstressed sample of the same strain. Keywords: Stress Response