ABSTRACT: A collection of cultured microbial communities from cystic fibrosis sputum samples sectioned through an oxygen gradient and treated with antibiotics.
Project description:Arrays comparing Pseudomonas aeruginosa growth in a defined synthetic cystic fibrosis sputum medium with and without aromatic amino acids. Additional arrays comparing wild-type Pseudomonas aeruginosa and phhR mutant P. aeruginosa in defined synthetic cystic fibrosis sputum medium.
Project description:Effect of anaerobic growth condition on gene expression profile of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA14 grown in cystic fibrosis sputum with 100 mM nitrate added
Project description:The study aimed to compare the gene expression profiles at a single cell level in Sputum cells between patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) and disease controls (CTRL).
2020-07-01 | GSE145360 | GEO
Project description:Cystic Fibrosis Sputum Microbiome After Trikafta
| PRJNA733203 | ENA
Project description:Cystic Fibrosis Sputum and Saliva Microbiome
| PRJNA611611 | ENA
Project description:Cystic Fibrosis Sputum Raw sequence reads
Project description:The PANarray design (GPL13324) contains the genes of eight P. aeruginosa genomes in non-redundant format, thus allowing identification of expression of non-PAO1 and other P. aeruginosa genes. For the series GSE28152, isogenic isolates were sequentially collected from two cystic fibrosis (CF) patients several years apart. The isolates had not been eradicated in the meantime and represent persister strains. One was an Australian Epidemic Strain-1 isolate and the other a non-epidemic strain. Strains were cultured in an artificial sputum medium (ASMDM) closely resembling CF sputum.
Project description:S. anginosus, S. aureus LMG 10147 and P. aeruginosa DK2 are often co-isolated in sputum samples from cystic fibrosis patients. We found that S. anginosus LMG 14502 becomes less suceptible towards treatment with several antibiotics when it's grown together with S. aureus LMG 10147 and P. aeruginosa DK2, compared to when it's grown alone. In order to elucidate the molecular mechanisms responsible, we performed RNA-seq of an S. anginosus monospecies biofilm and of a multispecies bioiflm of S. anginosus, S. aureus and P. aeruginosa. First, biofilms of S. anginosus alone or in combination with S. aureus and P. aeruginosa were grown. Next, RNA was isolated. Subsequently, a Truseq stranded RNA library preparation kit (Illumina) was used to create strand specific libraries. After a quality and concentration control, the libraries were equimolarly pooled and sequenced using an Illumina NextSeq 500, generating 75bp unpaired reads.