ABSTRACT: Non-targeted metabolomics from mouse fecal and plasma samples from prebiotic study.
Samples were extracted with "Phree" phospholipid removal kit.
Project description:Plasma samples of patients diagnosed with CCM. Samples were run with a standard extraction (Plate 1 5x) and then again through a Phree Kit (Phree Kit Plate) to remove phospholipids. Data was acquired using a Bruker Maxis Impact and C18 RP-UHPLC using positive and negative polarity of LC-MS/MS.
Project description:Plasma samples of patients diagnosed with CCM. Samples were run with a standard extraction (Plate 1 5x) and then again through a Phree Kit (Phree Kit Plate) to remove phospholipids. Data was acquired using a Bruker Maxis Impact and C18 RP-UHPLC using positive and negative polarity of LC-MS/MS.
Project description:Background Small intestine and liver greatly contribute to whole body lipid, cholesterol and phospholipid metabolism but to which extent cholesterol and phospholipid handling in these tissues is affected by high fat Western-style obesogenic diets remains to be defined. We therefore quantified cholesterol and phospholipid concentrations in intestine and liver and determined fecal neutral sterol and bile acid excretion in C57Bl/6N mice fed for 12 weeks either a cholesterol-free high carbohydrate control diet or a high fat diet containing 0.03 % (w/w) cholesterol. To identify underlying mechanisms of dietary adaptation in intestine and liver, changes in gene expression were assessed by microarray and qPCR profiling, respectively. Results Animals on high fat diet showed increased plasma cholesterol levels, associated with the higher dietary cholesterol supply, yet, significantly reduced cholesterol levels were found in intestine and liver. Transcript profiling revealed evidence that expression of numerous genes involved in cholesterol synthesis and uptake via LDL, but also in phospholipid metabolism, underwent compensatory regulations in both tissues. Alterations in glycerophospholipid metabolism were confirmed at the metabolite level by phospolipid profiling via mass spectrometry. Conclusions Our findings suggest that intestine and liver react to a high dietary fat intake by an activation of de novo cholesterol synthesis and other cholesterol-saving mechanisms, as well as with major changes in phospholipid metabolism, to accommodate to the fat load. The proximal part of the intestine of mice fed either a control or a high fat diet were analyzed. 5 replicates each.
Project description:Background Small intestine and liver greatly contribute to whole body lipid, cholesterol and phospholipid metabolism but to which extent cholesterol and phospholipid handling in these tissues is affected by high fat Western-style obesogenic diets remains to be defined. We therefore quantified cholesterol and phospholipid concentrations in intestine and liver and determined fecal neutral sterol and bile acid excretion in C57Bl/6N mice fed for 12 weeks either a cholesterol-free high carbohydrate control diet or a high fat diet containing 0.03 % (w/w) cholesterol. To identify underlying mechanisms of dietary adaptation in intestine and liver, changes in gene expression were assessed by microarray and qPCR profiling, respectively. Results Animals on high fat diet showed increased plasma cholesterol levels, associated with the higher dietary cholesterol supply, yet, significantly reduced cholesterol levels were found in intestine and liver. Transcript profiling revealed evidence that expression of numerous genes involved in cholesterol synthesis and uptake via LDL, but also in phospholipid metabolism, underwent compensatory regulations in both tissues. Alterations in glycerophospholipid metabolism were confirmed at the metabolite level by phospolipid profiling via mass spectrometry. Conclusions Our findings suggest that intestine and liver react to a high dietary fat intake by an activation of de novo cholesterol synthesis and other cholesterol-saving mechanisms, as well as with major changes in phospholipid metabolism, to accommodate to the fat load.
Project description:MS/MS spectra were collected from Staphylococcus bacteria isolated from skin of healthy subjects. Extractions were performed in 100% Methanol and extracts were either filtered using a Phree Phospholipid Removal kit (Phenomenex) or not then dried down and resuspended in MeOH solution with internal standard for LC-MS/MS analysis.
Project description:Plasma samples from 10 colonrectal cancer patients (CRCs) (including 5 stage II and 5 stage III patients) and 10 normal controls.An amount of 5 to 10 milliliters of whole blood were obtained from each participant.The plasma was obtained by centrifugation at 1200g for 10min at 4°C.To complete the removal of residual cellular components, plasma samples were recentrifuged at 12,000g for a further 10min at 4°C.A volume of 600μL of each plasma samples from CRC group or normal control group was picked out and uniformly mixed.