Project description:Non-targted LC-MS/MS analysis of samples from pH optimization experiments for PPl extractions of ocean DOM collected at SIO Pier (15:00, 21st Mar 2019).
Project description:LC-MS/MS based (pos mode) non-targeted Metabolomics from PPL solid-extracted DOM from EXPORTS.
Rerun of Samples after 2 month storage at -80 C.
Project description:We aimed to identify specific biomarkers of IFN-beta bioactivity in order to compare their gene expression induction by type I IFNs with the MxA, and to investigate their potential role in MS pathogenesis. Gene expression microarrays were performed in PBMC from MS patients who developed neutralizing antibodies (NAB) to IFN-beta. Nine genes followed patterns in gene expression over time similar to the MX1 and were selected for further experiments: IFI6, IFI27, IFI44L, IFIT1, HERC5, LY6E, RSAD2, SIGLEC1, and USP18. In vitro experiments revealed specific induction of selected biomarkers by IFN-beta but not IFN-gamma, and several markers, in particular USP18 and HERC5, were significantly induced at lower IFN-beta concentrations and more selective than the MX1 as biomarkers of IFN-beta bioactivity. In addition, USP18 expression was deficient in MS patients compared with healthy controls (p=0.0004). We propose specific biomarkers that may be considered in addition to the MxA to evaluate IFN-beta bioactivity, and to further explore their implication in MS pathogenesis. Number of samples: 32. We analyzed PBMC from 8 patients at baseline and after 3, 12 and 24 months of IFN-beta treatment
Project description:We aimed to identify specific biomarkers of IFN-beta bioactivity in order to compare their gene expression induction by type I IFNs with the MxA, and to investigate their potential role in MS pathogenesis. Gene expression microarrays were performed in PBMC from MS patients who developed neutralizing antibodies (NAB) to IFN-beta. Nine genes followed patterns in gene expression over time similar to the MX1 and were selected for further experiments: IFI6, IFI27, IFI44L, IFIT1, HERC5, LY6E, RSAD2, SIGLEC1, and USP18. In vitro experiments revealed specific induction of selected biomarkers by IFN-beta but not IFN-gamma, and several markers, in particular USP18 and HERC5, were significantly induced at lower IFN-beta concentrations and more selective than the MX1 as biomarkers of IFN-beta bioactivity. In addition, USP18 expression was deficient in MS patients compared with healthy controls (p=0.0004). We propose specific biomarkers that may be considered in addition to the MxA to evaluate IFN-beta bioactivity, and to further explore their implication in MS pathogenesis.
Project description:Interlab Study of LC-MS/MS analyis of Marine Dissolved Organic Matter from SIO Pietr (San Diego, California, USA) and algae extracts, extracted via PPL SPE
Project description:Non-targeted LC-MS/MS analysis of PPL solid phase extracted dissolved organic matter (DOM) from TARA/TREC Expedition Leg 1, collected in the coastal Atlantic between France to Netherlands in Spring 2023.
Project description:Diazotrophs provide the main source of reactive nitrogen to the ocean, sustaining primary productivity and CO2 uptake. Climate change is raising temperatures, decreasing pH and reducing nutrient availability. How microbes respond to these changes is largely unexplained. Similarly, the role of DOM in the growth and survival of certain diazotrophic organisms is poorly understood. Moreover, growing evidence indicates some diazotrophs are capable of utilizing distinct DOM compounds via osmotrophy providing them with additional metabolic plasticity and ecological advantages compared to other non-diazotrophic microbes. We aimed to understand how osmotrophy could modify carbon uptake and alleviate energy stress in diazotrophs under ongoing climate change perturbations. We hypothesized that Crocosphaera preferentially uses DOM when labile as a carbon source in present pH conditions, as compared to future more acidic scenarios with higher access to inorganic carbon. Alternatively, the lower pH may cause Crocosphaera to be energy limited when trying to maintain intracellular homeostasis which would favour DOM uptake as an extra source of energy.