GNPS - Defective pgsA contributes to increased membrane fluidity and cell wall thickening in S. aureus with high-level daptomycin resistance
Ontology highlight
ABSTRACT: Daptomycin is a membrane-targeting last-resort antimicrobial therapeutic for the treatment of infections caused by methicillin- and/or vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. In the rare event of failed daptomycin therapy, the source of resistance is often attributable to mutations directly within the membrane phospholipid biosynthetic pathway of S. aureus or in the regulatory systems that control cell envelope response and membrane homeostasis. Here we describe the structural changes to the cell envelope in a daptomycin-resistant isolate of S. aureus strain N315 that has acquired mutations in the genes most commonly reported associated with daptomycin resistance: mprF, yycG, and pgsA. In addition to the decreased phosphatidylglycerol (PG) levels that are the hallmark of daptomycin resistance, the mutant with high-level daptomycin resistance had increased branched-chain fatty acids (BCFAs) in its membrane lipids, increased membrane fluidity, and increased cell wall thickness. However, the successful utilization of isotope-labeled straight-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) in lipid synthesis suggested that the aberrant BCFA:SCFA ratio arose from upstream alteration in fatty acid synthesis rather than a structural preference in PgsA. RT-qPCR studies revealed that expression of pyruvate dehydrogenase (pdhB) was suppressed in the daptomycin-resistant isolate, which is known to increase BCFA levels. While complementation with an additional copy of pdhB had no effect, complementation of the pgsA mutation resulted in increased PG formation, reduction in cell wall thickness, restoration of normal BCFA levels, and increased daptomycin susceptibility. Collectively, these results demonstrate that pgsA contributes to daptomycin resistance through its influence on membrane fluidity and cell wall thickness, in addition to phosphatidylglycerol levels.
ORGANISM(S): Staphylococcus Aureus (ncbitaxon:1280)
Kelly M. Hines
PROVIDER: MSV000091690 | GNPS | Wed Apr 12 06:05:00 BST 2023