GNPS - Understanding the molecular mechanisms of drought tolerance in wild soybean (Glycine soja) through multi-omics-based alternative splicing predictions
Ontology highlight
ABSTRACT: This work is managed by Pf Jae Yoon Kim from Kongju National University of South Korea.
Project description:Tibetan wild barley (Hordeum spontaneum L.) has been confirmed to contain elite accessions in tolerance to abiotic stresses, including salinity. However, molecular mechanisms underlying genotypic difference of salt tolerance in wild barley are unknown.In this study, two Tibetan wild barley accessions (XZ26 and XZ169), differing greatly in salt tolerance, were used to determine changes of ionomic, metabolomic and proteomic profiles in the shoots exposed to salt stress at seedling stage. Compared with XZ169, XZ26 showed better shoot growth and less Na accumulation after 7 days treatments. Salt stress caused significant reduction in concentrations of sucrose and metabolites involved in glycolysis pathway in XZ169, and elevated level of tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, as reflected by up-accumulation of citric acid, aconitic acid and succinic acid, especially under high salinity, but not in XZ26. Correspondingly, proteomic analysis further proved the findings from the metabolomic study.XZ26 maintained a lower Na concentration in the shoots and developed superior shoot adaptive strategies to salt stress. The current result provides possible utilization of Tibetan wild barley in developing barley cultivars for salt tolerance.
Project description:Systemic Acquired Resistance (SAR) improves immunity of plant systemic tissue after local exposure to a pathogen. Guard cells that form stomatal pores on leaf surfaces recognize bacterial pathogens via pattern recognition receptors, such as Flagellin Sensitive 2 (FLS2). However, how SAR affects stomatal immunity is not known. In this study, we aim to reveal molecular mechanisms underlying the guard cell response to SAR using multi-omics of proteins, metabolites and lipids. Arabidopsis plants previously exposed to pathogenic bacteria Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 (Pst) exhibit an altered stomatal response compared to control plants when they are later exposed to the bacteria. Reduced stomatal apertures of SAR primed plants lead to decreased number of bacteria in leaves. Multi-omics has revealed molecular components of SAR response specific to guard cells functions, including potential roles of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and fatty acid signaling. Our results show an increase in palmitic acid and its derivative in the primed guard cells. Palmitic acid may play a role as an activator of FLS2, which initiates stomatal immune response. Improved understanding of how SAR signals affect stomatal immunity can aid biotechnology and marker-based breeding of crops for enhanced disease resistance.
Project description:Time-course multi-omics data of a murine model of progressive heart failure (HF) induced by transverse aortic constriction (TAC) provide insights into the molecular mechanisms that are causatively involved in contractile failure and structural cardiac remodelling. We employ Illumina-based transcriptomics, Nanopore sequencing and mass spectrometry-based proteomics on samples from the left ventricle (LV) and right ventricle (RV, RNA only) of the heart at 1, 7, 21 and 56 days following TAC and Sham surgery. Here, we present Transverse Aortic COnstriction Multi-omics Analysis (TACOMA), as an interactive web application that integrates and visualizes transcriptomics and proteomics data collected in a TAC time-course experiment. TACOMA enables users to visualize the expression profile of known and novel genes and protein products thereof. Importantly, we capture alternative splicing events by assessing differential transcript and exon usage as well. Co-expression-based clustering algorithms and functional enrichment analysis revealed overrepresented annotations of biological processes and molecular functions at the protein and gene levels. To enhance data integration, TACOMA synchronizes transcriptomics and proteomics profiles, enabling cross-omics comparisons. With TACOMA (, we offer a rich web-based resource to uncover molecular events and biological processes implicated in contractile failure and cardiac hypertrophy. For example, we highlight: (i) changes in metabolic genes and proteins in the time course of hypertrophic growth and contractile impairment; (ii) identification of RNA splicing changes in the expression of Tpm2 isoforms between RV and LV; and (iii) novel transcripts and genes likely contributing to the pathogenesis of HF. We plan to extend these data with additional environmental and genetic models of HF to decipher common and distinct molecular changes in heart diseases of different aetiologies. Database URL:
Project description:In mycorrhizal symbiosis, plant roots form close, mutually beneficial interactions with soil fungi. Before this mycorrhizal interaction can be established however, plant roots must be capable of detecting potential beneficial fungal partners and initiating the gene expression patterns necessary to begin symbiosis. To predict a plant root-mycorrhizal fungi sensor systems, we analyzed in vitro experiments of Populus tremuloides (aspen tree) and Laccaria bicolor (mycorrhizal fungi) interaction and leveraged over 200 previously published transcriptomic experimental data sets, 159 experimentally validated plant transcription factor binding motifs, and more than 120-thousand experimentally validated protein-protein interactions to generate models of pre-mycorrhizal sensor systems in aspen root. These sensor mechanisms link extracellular signaling molecules with gene regulation through a network comprised of membrane receptors, signal cascade proteins, transcription factors, and transcription factor biding DNA motifs. Modeling predicted four pre-mycorrhizal sensor complexes in aspen that interact with 15 transcription factors to regulate the expression of 1184 genes in response to extracellular signals synthesized by Laccaria. Predicted extracellular signaling molecules include common signaling molecules such as phenylpropanoids, salicylate, and jasmonic acid. This multi-omic computational modeling approach for predicting the complex sensory networks yielded specific, testable biological hypotheses for mycorrhizal interaction signaling compounds, sensor complexes, and mechanisms of gene regulation.
Project description:Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder. However, cell type-dependent transcriptional regulatory programs responsible for PD pathogenesis remain elusive. Here, we establish transcriptomic and epigenomic landscapes of the substantia nigra (SN) by profiling 113,207 nuclei obtained from healthy controls and PD patients. Our multi-omic data integration provides cell type annotation of 128,724 cis-regulatory elements (cREs), and uncovers cell type-specific dysregulations in cREs with a strong transcriptional influence on genes implicated in PD. The establishment of high-resolution three-dimensional (3D) chromatin contact maps identifies 656 target genes of dysregulated cREs and genetic risk loci, uncovering both potential and known PD risk genes. Notably, these candidate genes exhibit modular gene expression patterns with unique molecular signatures in distinct cell types, highlighting altered molecular mechanisms in dopaminergic neurons and glial cells including oligodendrocytes and microglia. Together, our single-cell transcriptome and epigenome reveal cell type-specific disruption in transcriptional regulations related to PD.
Project description:Drought stress affects growth and productivity significantly in chickpea. An integrated multi-omics analysis can provide a better molecular-level understanding of drought stress tolerance. In the present study, comparative transcriptome, proteome and metabolome analyses of two chickpea genotypes with contrasting responses to drought stress, ICC 4958 (drought-tolerant, DT) and ICC 1882 (drought-sensitive, DS), was performed to gain insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying drought stress response/tolerance. Pathway enrichment analysis of differentially abundant transcripts and proteins suggested the involvement of glycolysis/gluconeogenesis, galactose metabolism, and starch and sucrose metabolism in the DT genotype. An integrated multi-omics analysis of transcriptome, proteome and metabolome data revealed co-expressed genes, proteins and metabolites involved in phosphatidylinositol signaling, glutathione metabolism and glycolysis/gluconeogenesis pathways, specifically in the DT genotype under drought. These stress-responsive pathways were coordinately regulated by the differentially abundant transcripts, proteins and metabolites to circumvent the drought stress response/tolerance in the DT genotype. The QTL-hotspot associated genes, proteins and transcription factors may further contribute to improved drought tolerance in the DT genotype. Altogether, the multi-omics approach provided an in-depth understanding of stress-responsive pathways and candidate genes involved in drought tolerance in chickpea.
Project description:This data analyzes gene expression patterns in Arabidopsis whitening mutants, wn1, with defects in chloroplast development. We found that wn1 was a T-DNA insertion line of Arabidopsis AtPTAC10/PAP3 (At3g48500) and exhibited a lethal, albino-like phenotype in the seedling stages. pTAC10 was known as a component of RNA polymerase complex called plastid-encoded RNA polymerase, PEP, in mature chloroplasts. Because wn1 mutants were lethal, we extracted RNA from cotyledons of 7-day-old seedlings from wn1 mutants and Col-0. RNA seq analysis was commissioned by NICEM in Seoul National University, Korea and transcriptome resequencing was confirmed in Macrogen, Korea. Through analysis, we compared gene expression patterns of wn1 mutant and Col-0 seedlings.
Project description:Agelena koreana is indigenous spider in South Korea that lives on piles of trees building webs. RNA-sequencing was performed for venom gland tissue and whole body except venom gland.