Project description:MicroRNAs (miRNA) are ~21 nucleotide long, small endogenous non-coding RNAs that functioning in regulation of gene expression found in many eukaryotes. In this study, small RNA libraries of opium poppy from four different tissues (leaf, root, capsule, stem) were sequenced using high-throughput next generation Illumina sequencing (Solexa) technology to investigate potential mode of actions of miRNAs in alkaloid biosynthesis. A total of 27 opium poppy miRNAs which have roles in regulation of alkaloid biosynthesis were identified in this study.
Project description:In this exploratory study, we used laser microdissection to extract dopaminergic neurons from 10 human SNpc samples obtained at autopsy in Parkinson’s disease patients and control subjects. Extracted RNA and proteins were identified by RNA sequencing and nano-LC-MS/MS, respectively, and the differential expression between Parkinson’s disease and control group was assessed.
Project description:MicroRNAs (miRNA) are ~21 nucleotide long, small endogenous non-coding RNAs that functioning in regulation of gene expression found in many eukaryotes. In this study, small RNA libraries of opium poppy from four different tissues (leaf, root, capsule, stem) were sequenced using high-throughput next generation Illumina sequencing (Solexa) technology to investigate potential mode of actions of miRNAs in alkaloid biosynthesis. A total of 27 opium poppy miRNAs which have roles in regulation of alkaloid biosynthesis were identified in this study. A six chip study using miRNA isolated from four separate tissues (capsule, leaf, stem, root). small RNA libraries of opium poppy tissues were sequenced using high-throughput next generation Illumina sequencing (Solexa) technology to investigate potential mode of actions of miRNAs in alkaloid biosynthesis. Furthermore, the novel opium poppy miRNAs were also confirmed by a direct small RNA cloning strategy. The microarray platform were performed to measure and analyze the mirnome of the different opium poppy tissues.
Project description:The leave M. speciosa (Red vein) collected from Kedah, Malaysia were processed and extracted with MeOH. The MeOH crude extract was used to produced alkaloid fraction and this fraction was analysed on Q exactive plus LC-ms.
Project description:The objective of the present investigation was to consider the level of variation in the protein expression patterns of closely related Salmonella serovars, in order to search for protein factors with levels of expression or posttranslational modifications characteristic for each serovar. For the comparative expression analysis we have utilised classic 2D GE approach which revealed several proteins with serovar specific expression as well as proteins which do not alter their expression levels between serovars and strains. The proteins of interest were identified using LC/MS/MS. Keywords: 2D GE, MS/MS Analysis of 12 strains of S. enterica representing five different serovars.