Project description:Bottom-up proteomics database search algorithms used for peptide identification cannot comprehensively identify posttranslational modifications (PTMs) in a single-pass because of high false discovery rates (FDRs). A new approach to database searching enables Global PTM (G-PTM) identification by exclusively looking for curated PTMs, thereby avoiding the FDR penalty experienced during conventional variable modification searches. We identified nearly 2500 unique, high-confidence modified peptides comprising 31 different PTM types in single-pass database searches. Male C57BL/6J (B6) and CAST/EiJ (CAST) mice were purchased from The Jackson Laboratories (Bar Harbor, Maine) and housed in an environmentally controlled vivarium at the University of Wisconsin Biochemistry Department. Mice were provided standard rodent chow (Purina no. 5008) and water ad libitum, and maintained on a 12-hour light/dark cycle (6 AM – 6 PM). At 10 weeks of age, mice were sacrificed by CO2 asphyxiation. All animal procedures were preapproved by the University of Wisconsin Animal Care and Use Committee.
Project description:Bottom-up proteomics database search algorithms used for peptide identification cannot comprehensively identify posttranslational modifications (PTMs) in a single-pass because of high false discovery rates (FDRs). A new approach to database searching enables Global PTM (G-PTM) identification by exclusively looking for curated PTMs, thereby avoiding the FDR penalty experienced during conventional variable modification searches. We identified nearly 2500 unique, high-confidence modified peptides comprising 31 different PTM types in single-pass database searches.
Project description:Bottom-up proteomics database search algorithms used for peptide identification cannot comprehensively identify post-translational modifications (PTMs) in a single-pass because of high false discovery rates (FDRs). A new approach to database searching enables global PTM (G-PTM) identification by exclusively looking for curated PTMs, thereby avoiding the FDR penalty experienced during conventional variable modification searches. We identified over 2200 unique, high-confidence modified peptides comprising 26 different PTM types in a single-pass database search.
Project description:As more protein structures become available and structural genomics efforts provide structural models in a genome-wide strategy, there is a growing need for fast and accurate methods for discovering homologous proteins and evolutionary classifications of newly determined structures. We have developed 3D-BLAST, in part, to address these issues. 3D-BLAST is as fast as BLAST and calculates the statistical significance (E-value) of an alignment to indicate the reliability of the prediction. Using this method, we first identified 23 states of the structural alphabet that represent pattern profiles of the backbone fragments and then used them to represent protein structure databases as structural alphabet sequence databases (SADB). Our method enhanced BLAST as a search method, using a new structural alphabet substitution matrix (SASM) to find the longest common substructures with high-scoring structured segment pairs from an SADB database. Using personal computers with Intel Pentium4 (2.8 GHz) processors, our method searched more than 10 000 protein structures in 1.3 s and achieved a good agreement with search results from detailed structure alignment methods. [3D-BLAST is available at].
Project description:The identification of protein biochemical functions based on their three-dimensional structures is strongly required in the post-genome-sequencing era. We have developed a new method to identify and predict protein biochemical functions using the similarity information of molecular surface geometries and electrostatic potentials on the surfaces. Our prediction system consists of a similarity search method based on a clique search algorithm and the molecular surface database eF-site (electrostatic surface of functional-site in proteins). Using this system, functional sites similar to those of phosphoenoylpyruvate carboxy kinase were detected in several mononucleotide-binding proteins, which have different folds. We also applied our method to a hypothetical protein, MJ0226 from Methanococcus jannaschii, and detected the mononucleotide binding site from the similarity to other proteins having different folds.
Project description:Workflows capable of determining glycopeptides in large-scale are missing in the field of glycoproteomics. We present an approach for automated annotation of intact glycopeptide mass spectra. The steps in adopting the Mascot search engine for intact glycopeptide analysis included: (i) assigning one letter codes for monosaccharides, (ii) linearizing glycan sequences and (iii) preparing custom glycoprotein databases. Automated annotation of both N- and O-linked glycopeptides was proven using standard glycoproteins. In a large-scale study, a total of 257 glycoproteins containing 970 unique glycosylation sites and 3447 non-redundant N-linked glycopeptide variants were identified in 24 serum samples. Thus, a single tool was developed that collectively allows the (i) elucidation of N- and O-linked glycopeptide spectra, (ii) matching glycopeptides to known protein sequences, and (iii) high-throughput, batch-wise analysis of large-scale glycoproteomics data sets.
Project description:For bottom-up proteomics, there are wide variety of database-searching algorithms in use for matching peptide sequences to tandem MS spectra. Likewise, there are numerous strategies being employed to produce a confident list of peptide identifications from the different search algorithm outputs. Here we introduce a grid-search approach for determining optimal database filtering criteria in shotgun proteomics data analyses that is easily adaptable to any search. Systematic Trial and Error Parameter Selection--referred to as STEPS--utilizes user-defined parameter ranges to test a wide array of parameter combinations to arrive at an optimal "parameter set" for data filtering, thus maximizing confident identifications. The benefits of this approach in terms of numbers of true-positive identifications are demonstrated using datasets derived from immunoaffinity-depleted blood serum and a bacterial cell lysate, two common proteomics sample types.
Project description:deconSTRUCT webserver offers an interface to a protein database search engine, usable for a general purpose detection of similar protein (sub)structures. Initially, it deconstructs the query structure into its secondary structure elements (SSEs) and reassembles the match to the target by requiring a (tunable) degree of similarity in the direction and sequential order of SSEs. Hierarchical organization and judicious use of the information about protein structure enables deconSTRUCT to achieve the sensitivity and specificity of the established search engines at orders of magnitude increased speed, without tying up irretrievably the substructure information in the form of a hash. In a post-processing step, a match on the level of the backbone atoms is constructed. The results presented to the user consist of the list of the matched SSEs, the transformation matrix for rigid superposition of the structures and several ways of visualization, both downloadable and implemented as a web-browser plug-in. The server is available at
Project description:Unraveling the complex structure and functioning of microbial communities is essential to accurately predict the impact of perturbations and/or environmental changes. From all molecular tools available today to resolve the dynamics of microbial communities, metaproteomics stands out, allowing the establishment of phenotype-genotype linkages. Despite its rapid development, this technology has faced many technical challenges that still hamper its potential power. How to maximize the number of protein identification, improve quality of protein annotation and provide reliable ecological interpretation, are questions of immediate urgency. In our study, we used a robust metaproteomic workflow combining two protein fractionation approaches (gel-based versus gel-free) and four protein search databases derived from the same metagenome to analyze the same seawater sample. The resulting eight metaproteomes provided different outcomes in terms of (i) total protein numbers, (ii) taxonomic structures, and (iii) protein functions. The characterization and/or representativeness of numerous proteins from ecologically relevant taxa such as Pelagibacterales, Rhodobacterales and Synechococcales, as well as crucial environmental processes, such as nutrient uptake, nitrogen assimilation, light harvesting and oxidative stress response were found to be particularly affected by the methodology. Our results provide clear evidences that the use of different protein search databases significantly alters the biological conclusions in both gel-free and gel-based approaches. Our findings emphasize the importance of diversifying the experimental workflow for a comprehensive metaproteomic study.