
Dataset Information


DegP Chaperone supression of toxic inner membrane translocation intermediates

ABSTRACT: Dataset accompanying manuscript DegP Chaperone supression of toxic inner membrane translocation intermediates in PlosOne RAW files from 6 separate E coli proteomes (LC/MS/MS) analyzed by LFQ in DegP WT and null sequences with induced or uninduced pertactin expression at two separate time points after induction WT E coli Induced pertactin DegP(-) E coli uninduced pertactin DegP(-) E coli induced pertactin (eventually lethal)

INSTRUMENT(S): LTQ Orbitrap Velos

ORGANISM(S): Escherichia Coli (ncbitaxon:562)

SUBMITTER: Clark, P.L., Braselmann, E., Champion M.M., 

PROVIDER: MSV000080095 | MassIVE | Thu Aug 25 11:53:00 BST 2016


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