Project description:To have a global picture of the miRNAs regulated upon treatement with secretome of Salmonella infected cells, we assessed small RNA changes, by RNA-sequencing, of HeLa cells treated with sectretome of Salmonella infected cells or mock-treated cells
Project description:We found the bone marrow stromal-derived neural progenitor cells secretome have the neural protection effect. Proteomic analysis was performed nn order to analyze the protection factor in the secretome. Keywords: Neural protection, secretome
Project description:It is becoming increasingly clear that cells infected with pathogens can signal to bystander cells. Infected cells have the ability to alert and instruct bystander cells to mount pro-inflammatory cytokine response, thus contributing to clearing infections. Here we analyse secretome of HeLa cells infected with Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium strain SL1344. Cells were infected with a MOI of 100 for 14 hours. Secretome from mock- and Salmonella-infected cells was collected for mass-spectrometry analysis.
Project description:Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) is the causative agent of tuberculosis, a chronic granulomatous disease. Mtb is mostly restricted to humans and seldom causes disease in animals. M. bovis (Mbv) on the other hand causes tuberculosis in cows (bovine tuberculosis) and several wild animals. Each of these pathogens therefore has unique host adaptations and the host- and pathogen-specific factors driving this differential tropism still remain largely unknown. Here we profiled the secretomes of Mtb- and Mbv-infected bovine macrophages to characterise host-specific responses to each pathogen.
Project description:Transcriptional response of THP-1 cells infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis utilizing ‘Active’ Mtb and ‘Dormant’ Mtb infection models at different time points. Analysis of the transcriptomic data deciphered the perturbation of gamut of host cellular pathways that are common and differentially manifested in the ‘Active’ Mtb and ‘Dormant’ Mtb infection models.
Project description:Transcriptomics on lung-resident CD8+ T cells reveals how global gene expression patterns diverge over the course of infection with virulent Mtb and non-pathogenic BCG strains. CD8+ T cells from Mtb-infected animals respond with a stronger activation profile than cells from BCG-infected animals, promoting a more inflammatory gene expression profile that contributes to increased indicators of T cell exhaustion, apoptosis and metabolic reprogramming. These data provide new insights into the differential regulation of T cell immunity in virulent and non-virulent Mycobacterial infections.
Project description:The purpose of this study was to identify Mtb- and hsa-encoded miRNAs produced in infected macrophages. RNA from 9 THP-1 samples (3 were uninfected, 3 were infected with Mtb H37Rv for 3 days and 3 were infected with Mtb H37Rv for 6 days) was sequenced and miRNAs were detected.
Project description:THP1 cells were infected with wild-type or ESX-1-mutant Mtb expressing GFP. Cells were then sorted into infected and bystander populations, and RNAseq was performed.