Integration of time- and dose-dependent effects of salinity stress on the branchial proteome of euryhaline tilapia
Ontology highlight
ABSTRACT: Experiments were performed by Larken Root in the laboratory of Dietmar Kültz at UC Davis. Tilapia were acclimated at different rates from freshwater (FW) to elevated salinity. FW handling controls were included in parallel. Samples represent biological replicates, i.e. each sample was obtained from a different fish processed using an identical procedure. Dataset 1: Acclimation of fish from FW to 35 g/kg, 70 g/kg and 90 g/kg salinity. Sample preparation was based on a previously published protocol ( and total peptide amount on column was 200 ng. Dataset 2: Acclimation of fish from FW to 75, 85, and 105 g/kg salinity. Sample preparation was slightly modified from the protocol above to minimize protein carbamylation during urea incubation. Total peptide amount for each sample was low for preliminary optmization purposes (125 ng on column). Dataset 3: Acclimation of fish from FW to 85 g/kg and 105 g/kg salinity but in a different experiment using other fish and experimental setup than those used for dataset 2. Sample preparation was the same as for dataset 2 above and total peptide amount loaded was 180 ng on column. Dataset 4: Samples represent the same fish acclimated to 105 g/kg as for dataset 2 but sample preparation was performed using the original protocol as for dataset 1 above. Sample amount loaded was 180 ng total peptides on column. Dataset 5: Replicate run of the same samples as in dataset 2 above but at optimal sample loading of 200 ng total peptides on column. Biological mass spectrometry (Bottom-up LCMS2-DDA proteomics) was performed and data analyzed using a workflow consisting of Compass Hystar 4.1, DataAnalysis 4.4, PEAKS Studio X+, Scaffold 4.11, and ScaffoldPTM 3.0 in the Kültz laboratory.
ORGANISM(S): Oreochromis Mossambicus (ncbitaxon:8127)
Dietmar Kueltz
PROVIDER: MSV000085745 | MassIVE | Tue Jul 14 10:39:00 BST 2020