
Dataset Information


Comparative Proteomic Analysis of English Walnut (Juglans regia L.) Pellicle Tissues Reveal the Regulation of Nut Quality Attributes

ABSTRACT: Walnuts (Juglans regia L.) are a valuable dietary source of polyphenols and lipids, with increasing worldwide consumption. California is a major producer, with Chandler and Tulare among the cultivars more widely grown. Chandler produces kernels with extra light color at a higher frequency than , gaining consumer preference. Here we performed a deep comparative proteome analysis of kernel pellicle tissue from these two valued genotypes, at three harvest maturities, detecting a total of 4,937 J. regia proteins. Late and early maturity stages were compared for each cultivar, revealing many developmental responses common or specific for each cultivar. Top protein biomarkers for each developmental stage were also selected based on larger fold-change differences and lower variance among replicates. Comparison between the genotypes also revealed the common and specific protein repertoires, totaling 321 pellicle proteins with differential abundance. Additionally, in all maturity stages several allergens were among the most abundant proteins, which is of importance for food safety. The proteomics data provides clues on antioxidant, secondary, and hormonal metabolism that could be involved in the loss of quality in the pellicles during processing for commercialization.

INSTRUMENT(S): Orbitrap Fusion Lumos

ORGANISM(S): Juglans Regia (ncbitaxon:51240)

SUBMITTER: Abhaya M. Dandekar  

PROVIDER: MSV000086493 | MassIVE | Fri Nov 20 09:44:00 GMT 2020



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