Aureobasidium pullulans biocontrol mechanisms; genome, transcriptome & secretome analyses
Ontology highlight
ABSTRACT: Aureobasidium pullulans is being studied with respect to its biotechnological applications in the degradation and modification of lignocellulose substrates or the production of the polysaccharide pullulan. In addition, the species is also used as a commercial plant protection agent against the bacterial pome fruit disease fireblight or against fungal postharvest diseases of fruits. The A. pullulans strain NBB 7.2.1 was originally isolated from a soil sample (from a Swiss orchard), but it was shown to be more competitive on apples than in soil (Gross et al., 2018). The antifungal activity of the isolate NBB 7.2.1 against fungal plant pathogens, and filamentous fungi in general, was assessed: Among 40 different yeasts, it belonged to the most strongly antifungal isolates (Hilber-Bodmer et al., 2017). The genome of A. pullulans NBB 7.2.1 was sequenced and de novo assembled by Agroscope using a combination of long reads from Pacific Biosciences Sequel technology and Illumina MiSeq short read data and subsequently annotated by JGI. The high quality genome sequence (comprising 12 chromosomes and one circular mitogenome) serves as the foundation for identifying the underlying molecular mechanisms that confer antifungal activity and to determine which factors may be targeted to improve the reliability and efficacy of A. pullulans as a plant protection agent in the field and under storage conditions.
This dataset contains raw reads for four replicates of three fungal culture supernatants
B1 Files: A_pul_F_ox: Interaction of A. pullulans and F. oxysporum in peptone buffer
B2 Files: Aureobasidium: Pure culture of A. pullulans in peptone buffer
B3 Files: Fusarium: Pure culture of F. oxysporum in peptone buffer
ORGANISM(S): Fusarium Oxysporum F. Sp. Radicis-lycopersici (ncbitaxon:61372) Aureobasidium Pullulans Var. Pullulans (ncbitaxon:178873)
Florian Freimoser
PROVIDER: MSV000086991 | MassIVE | Wed Mar 03 11:34:00 GMT 2021