
Dataset Information


Bacterial Progestin and AdipoQ Receptor (PAQR) homologs universally control membrane potential homeostasis

ABSTRACT: Homologs of the Progestin and AdipoQ Receptors (PAQR) are conserved in Bacteria and Eukarya. In eukaryotes, PAQRs are proposed to modulate membrane fluidity and fatty acid (FA) metabolism. The role of bacterial homologs has not yet been elucidated. Here, we show that the gene for PAQR in Escherichia coli is in the unsaturated FA biosynthesis regulon. Lack of bacterial PAQR homologs from the phylogenetically distant E. coli and Bacillus subtilis provoke subtle changes in FA profiles that do not translate to control of membrane fluidity. Instead, using physiological assays and membrane proteomics, we show that these PAQR mutants share a dysregulated membrane potential, which in E. coli, causes increased antibiotic resistance, altered pH homeostasis, and reduced motility and ATP production. The role of PAQR homologs in E. coli and B. subtilis, and thus the shared ancestral role of bacterial PAQRs, is regulation of transmembrane homeostasis linked to FA metabolism.

INSTRUMENT(S): Q Exactive Plus

ORGANISM(S): Bacillus Subtilis (ncbitaxon:1423) Escherichia Coli (ncbitaxon:562)

SUBMITTER: Gladys Alexandre  

PROVIDER: MSV000088025 | MassIVE | Thu Aug 26 08:57:00 BST 2021



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