Project description:Global proteomic profiling of three mammary epithelial cell types in normal human breast tissue. Primary breast specimens were obtained from 10 women undergoing reduction mammoplasties. Clinical co-variates include age (28-67), hormone status (follicular, luteal, post-menopausal) and mammary epithelial cell type (basal, luminal progenitor, mature luminal).
Project description:To study the effect of pregnancy on mouse mammary epithelial subpopulations, epthelial cells derived from control or ovariectomized adult mice were isolated using fluorescence-activated cell sorting. After elimination of haematopoietic and endothelial cells, two distinct epithelial subpopulations were sorted using antibodies against CD29 and CD24. Based on the immunohistochemical phenotype, and in vivo and in vitro functional assays, these subpopulations were identified as mammary stem cell enriched (CD29hiCD24+) and luminal (CD29loCD24+) respectively (ref: Shackleton et al, Nature 2006). Microarray profiling was used to compare gene expression profiles of the two subpopulations isolated from ovariectomized and control mice.
Project description:To study the effect of pregnancy on mouse mammary epithelial subpopulations, epthelial cells derived from virgin or pregnant (12.5 day pregnant) mice were isolated using fluorescence-activated cell sorting. After elimination of haematopoietic and endothelial cells, two distinct epithelial subpopulations were sorted using antibodies against CD29 and CD24. Based on the immunohistochemical phenotype, and in vivo and in vitro functional assays, these subpopulations were identified as mammary stem cell enriched (CD29hiCD24+) and luminal (CD29loCD24+) respectively (ref: Shackleton et al, Nature 2006). Microarray profiling was used to compare gene expression profiles of the two subpopulations in 12.5 day pregnant and virgin mice. For each biological replicate, mammary gland from virgin or 12.5 day pregnant FVB/NJ mice were collected and digested to obtain a single cell suspension. CD45-CD31-TER119- cells were then sorted based on the expression of cell surface markers CD24 and CD29. There were 4 pools of pregant mice and 3 pools of virgin mice.
Project description:To study the effect of pregnancy on mouse mammary epithelial subpopulations, epthelial cells derived from control or ovariectomized adult mice were isolated using fluorescence-activated cell sorting. After elimination of haematopoietic and endothelial cells, two distinct epithelial subpopulations were sorted using antibodies against CD29 and CD24. Based on the immunohistochemical phenotype, and in vivo and in vitro functional assays, these subpopulations were identified as mammary stem cell enriched (CD29hiCD24+) and luminal (CD29loCD24+) respectively (ref: Shackleton et al, Nature 2006). Microarray profiling was used to compare gene expression profiles of the two subpopulations isolated from ovariectomized and control mice. For each of two biological replicates, 6 FVB/NJ mice were ovariectomized at 8 weeks of age. 4 weeks after ovariectomy (Ovx) mammary gland from control or Ovx animals were collected and digested to obtain a single cell suspension. CD45-CD31-TER119- cells were then sorted based on the expression of cell surface markers CD24 and CD29. Similarly for two pools of control mice. There were also 4 technical replicates, to make 12 BeadChips in total.
Project description:To study the effect of pregnancy on mouse mammary epithelial subpopulations, epthelial cells derived from virgin or pregnant (12.5 day pregnant) mice were isolated using fluorescence-activated cell sorting. After elimination of haematopoietic and endothelial cells, two distinct epithelial subpopulations were sorted using antibodies against CD29 and CD24. Based on the immunohistochemical phenotype, and in vivo and in vitro functional assays, these subpopulations were identified as mammary stem cell enriched (CD29hiCD24+) and luminal (CD29loCD24+) respectively (ref: Shackleton et al, Nature 2006). Microarray profiling was used to compare gene expression profiles of the two subpopulations in 12.5 day pregnant and virgin mice.
Project description:Mammary gland branching morphogenesis is thought to relie on the mobilization of the membrane-anchored matrix metalloproteinase, Mmp14/MT1-MMP, to drive mammary epithelial invasion by remodeling the extracellular matrix and triggering associated signaling cascades. However, the roles that this proteinase plays during postnatal mammary gland development in vivo remain undefined. A mammary gland branching program that occurs during the first 4 weeks of postnatal mouse development, in tandem with recently developed Mmp14-floxed mice and MMTV-Cre transgenics that express Cre recombinase throughout the mammary epithelial cell compartment, were used to characterize the impact of deleting epithelial cell Mmp14 on mammary gland morphogenesis. Transcriptome profiling of mammary epithelial cells was used to investigate the functional roles of MT1-MMP in the postnatal mammary epithelial cell compartment in an unbiased fashion
Project description:We used a mouse strain in which one Tbx3 gene was replaced with the yellow fluorescent protein variant Venus. Luminal cells had either very high Tbx3 promoter activity or not at all. We performed an expression analysis on luminal mammary epithelial cells sorted based on their Venus expression (reporting Tbx3 promoter activity) to investigate the difference between these two cell populations. Mammary epithelial cells from 3 Tbx3-Venus-KI adult virgin female mice (FVB background) were pooled and luminal cells were sorted into a Venus-hi and a Venus-neg sample. There were no repeats for this study.
Project description:Control ChIP-seq on human mammary epithelial cell For data usage terms and conditions, please refer to and