Project description:LC-MS and GC-MS raw data for 13C6-glucose tracing in PDA cells expressing sgROSA or sgRNA targeting methionine sulfoxide reductase A
Project description:22 week old female Tfamfl/fl (aka WT), BEST1Cre;Tfamfl/fl, BEST1Cre;Tfamfl/fl;AN/+ mice were fasted for 6 hrs (8am-2pm), then were retro-orbital injected with 13C6-glucose (Cambridge Isotopes Laboratories): 250mg/kg in 100-135ul saline and 0.2 um sterile filtered. Tissues were processed 30min after injection. A cryolysis method was used to extract RPE metabolites. NR metabolites were extracted as usual.
Project description:Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDA) is characterized by abundant desmoplasia and poor tissue perfusion. These features are proposed to limit access of therapies to neoplastic cells and blunt treatment efficacy. Indeed, several agents that target the PDA microenvironment promote chemotherapy delivery and improve anti-neoplastic responses in murine models of PDA. Here, we employed the FG-3019 monoclonal antibody directed against the pleiotropic matricellular signaling molecule connective tissue growth factor (CTGF/CCN2). FG-3019 treatment increased PDA cell killing and led to a dramatic tumor response without altering gemcitabine delivery. Microarray expression profiling revealed the down-regulation by FG-3019 of several anti-apoptotic transcripts, including the master regulator Xiap, down-regulation of which has been shown to sensitize PDA to gemcitabine. Decreases in XIAP protein by FG-3019 in the presence and absence of gemcitabine were confirmed by immunoblot, while increases in XIAP protein were seen in PDA cell lines treated with recombinant CTGF. Therefore, alterations in survival cues following targeting of tumor microenvironmental factors may play an important role in treatment responses in animal models and, by extension, PDA patients. Total RNA was isolated from KPC mouse PDA tumors 9 days after initiation of treatment with IgG (n=7 biological replicates), FG-3019 (n=5), IgG + gemcitabine (n=6), or FG-3019 + gemcitabine (n=6) and hybridized to Affymetrix 430A 2.0 microarrays. CEL files were processed by GC-RMA and rescaled using median per-gene normalization in GeneSpring GX 7.3.1.
Project description:Aging is associated with fundamental changes in pancreatic β-cell physiology; yet, the mechanisms that drive these age-related changes are poorly understood. We performed comprehensive proteomic profiling of pancreatic islets from adolescent and old mice. The analysis revealed striking differences in abundance of enzymes controlling glucose metabolism not reflected at the transcript level. We show that these changes in protein abundance are associated with increased activity of the amplifying pathway of insulin secretion. The amplifying pathway stimulates insulin secretion through coupling factors produced during glucose metabolism. Nutrient tracing and targeted metabolomics demonstrate accelerated accumulation of glucose-derived metabolites and coupling factors in aged islets, indicating that age-related changes in glucose metabolism contribute to the improved response of β-cells to glucose with age. Together, our study provides the first in-depth characterization of changes in the islet proteome during aging and establishes metabolic rewiring as an important mechanism for age-associated changes in β-cell function.
Project description:We performed whole genome RNA expression analysis by RNA sequencing on M0, M1-like macrophages and M2-like macrophages, respectively, comparing to those following co-culturing with human PDA tumor cells.We focused on the genes in the glucose metabolism pathway and oxidative phosphorylation pathway that were found to be methylated and downregulated in CAFs after co-culturing with PDA tumor cells in our previous experiment. We found that PDA tumor cells induce downregulation of metabolism genes selectively in M1 macrophages than in M2 macrophages.
Project description:Purpose: To study the effects of high-fat diet feeding in mouse liver tissues with and without the hepatocellular carcinoma-inducing carcinogen DEN. Here, we used RNA sequencing to identify gene expression patterns associated with high-fat diet feeding. Methods: C57BL/6N mice were injected at 2-weeks of age with vehicle control (PBS) or DEN. At 6 weeks, mice were randomized to control diet, or 60% high-fat diet. After 8-weeks of diet exposure, mice underwent a 13C6-glucose labelling protocol, and liver tissues were extracted for anlaysis (metabolomic, transcriptomic). RNA was isolated from mouse liver tissue using Triazol extraction, purified, and libraries generated using KAPA Stranded mRNA Sequencing kit. After cDNA synthesis, adapter ligation, and final cDNA library generation, samples were sequenced on a flow cell (1x50bp single-end reads) and HiSeq4000 (Illumina). Data processing was conducted in an NGS pipeline (Snakemake) and quality control was performed with FastQC. Trimmed data was analyzed for differential expression (DEseq2) and gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) to look for KEGG pathways and gene ontologies (GO) of interest. Results: Using 13C6-glucose labelling, we determined there was a glycolytic phenotype caused by high-fat diet exposure. Therefore, we focused on a diet effect in our transcriptomcis dataset. By comparing control diet to high-fat diet liver tissue, we found gene sets invloved in peroxisomes and lipid metabolism to be enriched in high-fat diet exposed livers. These findings were in line with in vitro testing of a liver cell line, showing peroxisomal metabolism of palmitate drives ROS production and a glycolytic phenotype. Conclusions: We found high-fat diet exposed liver exhibits a strong metabolic phenotype towards increased glucose metabolism. At the transcriptome level, we found a lipid-reporgramming signature, and not a glucose metabolism signature. The lipid reprogramming signature was in line with in vitro work using liver cell lines, in which exposure to palmitate stimulated a glycolyitic phenotype that was inhibited by targeting peroxisomal-derived ROS species. In combination with metabolic and lipidomic data after long-term exposure to DEN and subsequent tumor formtion, we discovered that high-fat diet can prime liver tissue for carcinogenesis and tumor development by stimulating a Warburg-like metabolism. These findings suggest that fat can induce similar changes in non-transformed liver cells than found in HCC. In conclusion, we show that normal, non-transformed livers respond to fat by inducing glucose metabolism.
Project description:Aging is associated with fundamental changes in pancreatic B-cell physiology; yet, the mechanisms that drive these age-related changes are poorly understood. We performed comprehensive proteomic profiling of pancreatic islets from adolescent and old mice. The analysis revealed striking differences in abundance of enzymes controlling glucose metabolism not reflected at the transcript level. We show that these changes in protein abundance are associated with increased activity of the amplifying pathway of insulin secretion. The amplifying pathway stimulates insulin secretion through coupling factors produced during glucose metabolism. Nutrient tracing and targeted metabolomics demonstrate accelerated accumulation of glucose-derived metabolites and coupling factors in aged islets, indicating that age-related changes in glucose metabolism contribute to the improved response of B-cells to glucose with age. Together, our study provides the first in-depth characterization of changes in the islet proteome during aging and establishes metabolic rewiring as an important mechanism for age-associated changes in B-cell function.
Project description:This dataset is part of a study aimed at developing algorithms for the quantification of stable isotope content in microorganisms after labeling them with stable isotope-labeled substrates. In this dataset Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis cultures were labeled with different percentages of fully labeled 13C glucose (13C6). Cultures of B. subtilis and E. coli were grown in Bacillus minimal medium or M9 minimal medium (E. coli) in which a percentage of the glucose was replaced with 13C6 glucose for >10 generations to achieve close to complete labeling of cells. The following percentages of 13C6 glucose were added 0, 0.01, 0.025, 0.1, 0.25, 1, 5 and 10%. Triplicate cultures were grown for each percentage. Please note that the unlabeled glucose that was used of course had a natural content of 13C of around 1.1%, thus the 0% added label samples have an actual 13C content of 1.1% and all added label is on top of this value. We included a tab delimited table with this submission providing details on all raw files.
Project description:Liver metabolism is central to human physiology and influences the pathogenesis of common metabolic diseases. Yet, our understanding of human liver metabolism remains incomplete, with much of current knowledge based on animal or cell culture models that do not fully recapitulate human physiology. Here, we performed in-depth measurement of metabolism in intact human liver tissue ex vivo using global 13C tracing, non-targeted mass spectrometry and model-based metabolic flux analysis. Cultured liver tissue exhibited normal anatomical structure and retained canonical liver functions such as glucose production, albumin and VLDL synthesis at near-physiological rates. Isotope tracing with a highly 13C-labeled medium generated 13C enrichment in hundreds of compounds, allowing qualitative assessment of a wide range of metabolic pathways within a single experiment. This confirmed well-known features of liver metabolism, but also revealed unexpected metabolic activities such as de novo creatine synthesis and branched-chain amino acid transamination, where human liver appears to differ from rodent models. Metabolic flux analysis identified glycogenolysis as the main source of glucose production, which could be suppressed by pharmacological inhibition of glycogen phosphorylase. Glucose production ex vivo also correlated with donor plasma glucose, suggesting that cultured liver tissue retains individual metabolic phenotypes. Moreover, liver tissue responded to postprandial levels of nutrients and insulin by suppressing glucose production and increasing nutrient uptake. Isotope tracing ex vivo allows measuring human liver metabolism with great depth and resolution in an experimentally tractable system.