Project description:Expression profiling of cell cycle genes in human pancreatic islets with and without type 2 diabetes Islets from cadaver donors were provided by the Nordic Islet Transplantation Programme (, Uppsala University. The microarrays were performed using GeneChipM-BM-. Human Gene 1.0 ST whole transcript according to Affymetrix standard protocol.
Project description:loss of Men1 in mouse pancreatic islet cells alters the epigenetic landscape of a subset of target genes. H3K4me3 ChIP-seq from either mouse pancreatic islets or mouse pancreatic islet tumors harvested at different stages.
Project description:Study to map diabetes-related traits in the Diversity Outbred (DO) mouse cohort. The DO is an outbred mouse population derived from 8 inbred mouse strains, including 3 wild-derived strains. The DO captures a broad range of genetic variation comparable to that found in human populations (SVENSON et al. 2012), and presents a similarly broad range of individual susceptibility to T2D. We metabolically challenged 500 DO mice with a high-fat/high-sucrose diet, measured a host of diabetes-related physiological phenotypes (e.g., plasma glucose and insulin), and isolated their pancreatic islets for functional and molecular characterization. We performed RNA-seq to determine the genetic architecture of gene expression in islets
Project description:During Type 1 diabetes development, T lymphocytes infiltrate pancreatic islets and induce the destruction of the insulin-producing cells within the islets, the beta-cells. T lymphocytes are known to secrete pro-inflammatory cytokines but also exosomes that could contribute to the mechanisms leading to beta-cell death. In this project, we wanted to investigate the effect of exosomes released from T lymphocytes on beta-cell gene expression.
Project description:comparison of mRNA expression in the islets of 3- and 12-month old male Wistar rats Aging is a risk factor for a majority of metabolic diseases including type 2 diabetes. During aging pancreatic beta-cell function decreases leading to impaired insulin secretion and proliferation and to an increase in apoptosis. Impairment of pancreatic beta cell functions and survival has been linked to gene expression changes. The aim of our study was to obtain a global expression profile of microRNAs and mRNAs of pancreatic islets of 3 and 12 month old male Wistar rats in order to identify the changes occurring during aging.
Project description:Transgenic mice were generated that expressed the inhibitor of apoptosis and mitotic regulator survivin in pancreatic islet beta cells. Control non-transgenic or transgenic islets were then used in a model of islet transplantation in diabetic recipient mice and tested for their ability to correct hyperglycemia and allow long-term engraftment of tranplanted islets in vivo. Control or transgenic islets were analyzed by chip microarray for potential transcriptional changes associated with transgenic expression of survivin, in vivo.
Project description:Human pancreatic islets were isolated from pancreas of deceased donors by Ricordi's procedure and cultured in CMRL 1066 medium additioned with human albumin. EVs were isolated from conditioned medium derived from islet culture after isolation. Once isolated, RNA of islets and islet-derived EVs was extracted and analyzed for microRNA expression within 48 hours after isolation.