Development of a deep proteomic pipeline for recalcitrant olive leaf tissue
Ontology highlight
ABSTRACT: Proteomic analysis is a powerful tool to unravel the complexity of plant cellular processes that underpin the regulation of plant immunity. A major challenge is the improvement of the detectable fraction of the crop proteome that is still markedly lower compared to other omics, such as next generation sequencing technologies. This is due in part to the occurrence of large amounts of secondary compounds, which co-precipitate with proteins and severely interfere with the analysis. Olive leaf tissue is notoriously recalcitrant to common protein extraction methods due to high levels of interfering compounds, hence hampering deep proteomic investigations. The interest in the chemical composition of olive leaves has increased with the scope to re-evaluate this agricultural waste byproduct as their extracts are enriched in diverse bioactive compounds. Many of these secondary metabolites are involved in the defense systems along with their biosynthesis enzymes, whose activity is usually cultivar- and stimuli-dependent. Despite olive leaf proteomics providing important insights into the defense pathways as well as health diagnostic biomarkers, it has received much less attention compared to oil, drupes, seed and pollen tissues. Our study aims to overcome these hurdles and expand the application of deep proteomic analyses to olive leaves. We developed a complete proteomic pipeline, from sample preparation to LC-HRMS and data analyses, allowing the first comparative proteomic study among three Italian olive cultivars, i.e., Leccino, Ogliarola and Coratina, known to exhibit different susceptibility to Xylella fastidiosa infections, and enabling the detection of 1.922 proteins. Olive proteomic research is expected to become an essential part of integrated omics approaches; thus, our study is a significant contribution, paving the way to unravel the molecular complexity underlying the genotype-dependent immune response to stress.
ORGANISM(S): Xylella Fastidiosa (ncbitaxon:2371) Olea Europaea (ncbitaxon:4146)
Abhaya Dandekar
PROVIDER: MSV000091931 | MassIVE | Fri May 12 16:59:00 BST 2023