Project description:Pineapple is a non climacteric fruit. This study investigates changes in gene expression between the mature green fruit and mature yellow fruit ripening stages
Project description:To elucidate the mechanisms of fruit body development in Pleurotus ostreatus, the transcriptomes of four different development stages including mycelium, primordium, young fruit body, and mature fruit body were obtained by RNA-seq.
Project description:In the present study, we demonstrated that application of CaCl2 to ‘Micro Tom’ tomato fruit (mature green stage) delayed fruit senescence and mature.
Project description:Tomato fruit ripening is associated with a dramatic increase in susceptibility to the fungal pathogen Botrytis cinerea, the causal agent of gray mold. Mature green fruit, prior to ripening, are largely resistant to B. cinerea, whereas red fruit, at the end of ripening, are susceptible to B. cinerea infection. We used microarrays to detail the gene expression changes that are induced by B. cinerea when tomato fruit at unripe and ripe stages are infected. Experiment Overall Design: Tomato fruit at mature green and red ripe stages were wound inoculated with a water suspension of B. cinerea conidia. Twenty four hours post inoculation fruit pericarp and epicarp tissue around and including the inoculation sites was collected and the total RNA extracted. Total RNA was also collected from healthy and mock inoculated fruit.