Proteomic dataset of exosomes derived from fetal mesenchymal stromal cells
Ontology highlight
ABSTRACT: The raw files of the proteomics dataset are N=18 and a brief description of the files is shown below:
AF1 raw: exosomes derived from Amniotic Fluid-Mesenchymal Stromal cells 1
AF2.raw: exosomes derived from Amniotic Fluid-Mesenchymal Stromal cells 2
AFA1.raw: exosomes derived from Amniotic Fluid-Mesenchymal Stromal cells 3
AFA2.raw: exosomes derived from Amniotic Fluid-Mesenchymal Stromal cells 4
AFB1.raw: exosomes derived from Amniotic Fluid-Mesenchymal Stromal cells 5
AFB2.raw: exosomes derived from Amniotic Fluid-Mesenchymal Stromal cells 6
HL1A.raw: exosomes derived from Hepatocyte like cells 1
HL1B.raw: exosomes derived from Hepatocyte like cells 2
HL2A.raw: exosomes derived from Hepatocyte like cells 3
HL2B.raw: exosomes derived from Hepatocyte like cells 4
HL3A.raw: exosomes derived from Hepatocyte like cells 5
HL3B.raw: exosomes derived from Hepatocyte like cells 6
HPLA1.raw: exosomes derived from Hepatic Progenitor-like cells 1
HPLA2.raw: exosomes derived from Hepatic Progenitor-like cells 2
HPLB1.raw: exosomes derived from Hepatic Progenitor-like cells 3
HPLB2.raw: exosomes derived from Hepatic Progenitor-like cells 4
HPLA.raw: exosomes derived from Hepatic Progenitor-like cells 5
HPLB.raw: exosomes derived from Hepatic Progenitor-like cells 6
Raw files analysis was performed with Proteome Discoverer 1.4 (Thermo) software package, using the Sequest search engine and the Uniprot human (Homo sapiens) reviewed database, downloaded on December 15, 2017, including 20,243 entries. The search was performed using carbamidomethylation of cysteine as static and oxidation of methionine as dynamic modifications. Two missed cleavage sites, a precursor mass tolerance of 10 ppm and fragment mass tolerance of 0.05 Da were allowed. False discovery rate (FDR) validation was based on q value: target FDR : 0.05. Label free quantification was performed by utilizing the precursor ion area values exported from the total ion chromatogram as defined by the Proteome Discoverer v. (Thermo Scientific). Output files from Proteome Discoverer were processed with R programming language for statistical computing (version 4.0.3).
The following comparisons were made: AF vs HL, AF vs HPL and HL vs HPL.
The msf files are N=18 and have the same name as the raw files above.
ORGANISM(S): Homo Sapiens (ncbitaxon:9606)
Maria (Maya) Roubelakis
PROVIDER: MSV000092848 | MassIVE |