Project description:This experiment uses denaturing crosslinking IP of Muskelin in wildtype Drosophila embryos to enrich for close-proximity interactions.
Project description:This experiment uses denaturing crosslinking IP of ME31B in wildtype Drosophila embryos to enrich for close-proximity interactions.
Project description:Transcriptional profiling of drosophila embryos (0-14h collection) comparing embryos double heterozygous for Engrailed and GooseberryNeuro with control wild type embryos
Project description:We carried out immunoprecipitation-mass spectrometry (IP-MS) analysis to identify the protein components of PGL granules in heat-stressed embryos. GFP::PGL-3 proteins were immunoprecipitated from extracts of embryos grown at 26 oC and the interacting proteins were identified by LC-MS/MS. Proteins involved in translation and RNA control factors (e.g. RNA binding proteins, ribonucleases, RNA helicases, proteins involved in siRNA-mediated mRNA turnover) were enriched in the GFP::PGL-3 co-immunoprecipitants
Project description:To identify Aub function in mRNA regulation in the Drosophila embryo, we have performed mass spectrometry analysis of Aub interactors, following immunoprecipitation of GFP-Aub in 0-2 hour-embryos. Immunoprecipitation of GFP alone was used as negative control. Because Aub accumulates at high levels in the germ plasm, GFP-Aub immunoprecipitation was also performed in oskar mutant embryos that do not assemble the germ plasm. Proteins coprecipitating with GFP-Aub were similar in wild-type and oskar mutant embryos. Translation factors were enriched among proteins coprecipitating with Aub.
Project description:Chromatin immunopurifications from heat shocked drosophila embryos with anti-Heat shock factor sera compared with immunopurification with pre-immune sera. Hybridisations to cDNA arrays. Keywords: repeat sample