Effect of external low-dose rate radiation on mouse biofluid metabolomic signatures (part IV)
Ontology highlight
ABSTRACT: An important component of ionizing radiation (IR) exposure after a radiological incident may include low-dose rate (LDR) exposures either externally or internally, such as from 137Cs deposition. LDR exposures can have different effects compared to acute high-dose rate exposures from a health and biodosimetry perspective. In this study, a novel irradiation system, VAriable Dose-rate External 137Cs irradiatoR (VADER), was used to expose male and female mice to a variable LDR over a 30-day time span to cumulative doses of 1 (only in males), 2, 2.8, 4.1, 8.8 (only in males), or 9.7 Gy to simulate fall-out type exposures. Urine and serum from mice exposed to an acute dose (~0.8 Gy/min) of x-rays were collected in parallel. Radiation markers were identified by global mass spectrometry based metabolomics and the machine learning algorithm Random Forests.
ORGANISM(S): Mouse Mus Musculus
TISSUE(S): Blood
DISEASE(S): Radiation Exposure
Evan Pannkuk
PROVIDER: ST001793 | MetabolomicsWorkbench | Wed May 12 00:00:00 BST 2021
REPOSITORIES: MetabolomicsWorkbench