Feasibility of detecting AC and SCC using UPLC-HRMS based tissue metabolomics
Ontology highlight
ABSTRACT: UPLC-HRMS analysis was performed on AC and SCC patients. OPLSDA classfication was performed on tumor vs. ANT&DNT samples. Panels of discriminant features were identified.The biomarkers identified in discovery set samples for each binary classification were confirmed by using a set of validation samples, which were run separately. Additionally, paired analysis shows the abundance of discriminant metabolic features has significant altered in tumor tissues compared to corresponding DNT and ANT samples, indicating metabolic reprogramming during tumorigenesis in AC and SCC.
ORGANISM(S): Human Homo Sapiens
DISEASE(S): Cancer
Xiaoling Zang
PROVIDER: ST002120 | MetabolomicsWorkbench | Thu Feb 17 00:00:00 GMT 2022
REPOSITORIES: MetabolomicsWorkbench