Project description:Metabolism of the adult liver in mice and human is spatially zonated with hepatocytes along the axis from each portal vein to the nearest central vein expressing enzymes in a zonated manner. Upstream of that functional zonation, interactions of Wnt and Hh signaling are orchestrating and self-organizing the spatial expression patterns. This spatio-temporal model is derived from experimental data and explores the interacting signaling pathways. To run this model, use the free, open-source software Morpheus (download for Windows, macOS, Linux from
Project description:The paper describes a spatio-temporal mathematical model, in the form of a moving boundary problem, to explain cancer dormancy is developed. Created by COPASI 4.24 (Build 197)
A spatio-temporal mathematical model, in the form of a moving boundary problem, to explain cancer dormancy is developed. Analysis of the model is carried out for both temporal and spatio-temporal cases. Stability analysis and numerical simulations of the temporal model replicate experimental observations of immune-induced tumour dormancy. Travelling wave solutions of the spatio-temporal model are determined using the hyperbolic tangent method and minimum wave speeds of invasion are calculated. Travelling wave analysis depicts that cell invasion dynamics are mainly driven by their motion and growth rates. A stability analysis of the spatio-temporal model shows a possibility of dynamical stabilization of the tumour-free steady state. Simulation results reveal that the tumour swells to a dormant level.
Project description:The paper describes a model of immune-cancer interaction. One time unit=24 days.
Created by COPASI 4.25 (Build 207)
This model is described in the article:
Mathematical analysis of a tumour-immune interaction model: A moving boundary problem
Joseph Malinzi and Innocenter Amima
Mathematical Biosciences 308 (2019) 8–19
IA spatio-temporal mathematical model, in the form of a moving boundary problem, to explain cancer dormancy is developed. Analysis of the model is carried out for both temporal and spatio-temporal cases. Stability analysis and numerical simulations of the temporal model replicate experimental observations of immune-induced tu- mour dormancy. Travelling wave solutions of the spatio-temporal model are determined using the hyperbolic tangent method and minimum wave speeds of invasion are calculated. Travelling wave analysis depicts that cell invasion dynamics are mainly driven by their motion and growth rates. A stability analysis of the spatio-tem- poral model shows a possibility of dynamical stabilization of the tumour-free steady state. Simulation results reveal that the tumour swells to a dormant level.
To cite BioModels Database, please use: BioModels Database: An enhanced, curated and annotated resource for published quantitative kinetic models .
To the extent possible under law, all copyright and related or neighbouring rights to this encoded model have been dedicated to the public domain worldwide.
Please refer to CC0 Public Domain Dedication for more information. Model is encoded by Jinghao Man and submitted to BioModels by Krishna Tiwari
Project description:Dynamic change in subcellular localization of signaling proteins is a general concept that eukaryotic cells evolved for responding and elicit a coordinated response to stimuli. Mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics in combination with subcellular fractionation can provide comprehensive maps of spatio-temporal regulation of cells but this is highly challenging involving laborious workflows that do not cover the phosphoproteome level. Here we present a high-throughput workflow based on sequential cell fractionation to profile the global (phospho)proteome dynamics across six distinct subcellular fractions. We benchmarked the workflow by studying spatio-temporal EGFR phospho-signaling dynamics in-vitro in HeLa cells and in-vivo in mouse tissues. Finally, we investigated the spatio-temporal stress signaling, revealing cellular relocation of ribosomal proteins in response to hypertonicity and muscle contraction.