Project description:High-throughput sequencing of Drosophila pseudoobscura and Drosophila simulans small RNAs. ~18-26nt RNAs were isolated from total RNA using PAGE, ligation to adapters requires 5' monophosphate and 3' OH.
Project description:High-throughput sequencing of Drosophila pseudoobscura and Drosophila simulans small RNAs. ~18-26nt RNAs were isolated from total RNA using PAGE, ligation to adapters requires 5' monophosphate and 3' OH. Small RNAs were cloned from Drosophila pseudoobscura (heads and pooled 0-12 and 12-24 hour embryos) and Drosophila simulans (pooled 0-12 and 12-24 hour embryos). Sequencing was performed using the Illumina 1G platform. Following removal of 3' linker sequences, the clipped sequences longer than 18 nt were kept.
Project description:We sequenced dissected ovaries and testes (with reproductive tracts) as well as female and male carcasses in two species of Drosophila in order to validate gene predictions from the ModENCODE project. Comparison of dissected reproductive tracts and remaining carcasses between D. simulans and D. pseudoobscura
Project description:Curration of small RNAs from four melanogaster-subgroup species (Drosophila simulans, Drosophila sechellia, Drosophila erecta, and Drosophila yakuba) for the purpose of non-coding RNA annotation and comparative genomics assessment.
Project description:Curration of small RNAs from four melanogaster-subgroup species (Drosophila simulans, Drosophila sechellia, Drosophila erecta, and Drosophila yakuba) for the purpose of non-coding RNA annotation and comparative genomics assessment. Non-replicated small RNA samples from four melanogaster-subgroup species.