Project description:DNA methylation data from several primate species profiled on the mammalian methylation array (HorvathMammalMethylChip40) which focuses on highly conserved CpGs across mammalian species. We selected a total of 91 samples from animals representing 26 strepsirrhine species, in most cases, the entire lifespan, from immature (infant or juvenile) to senile stages: 68 samples from peripheral blood, 23 samples from skin Blood and skin samples from many different primates. We profiled the following species: Cheirogaleus medius (Fat-tailed dwarf lemur), Daubentonia madagascariensis (Aye-aye), Eulemur albifrons (White-headed lemur), Eulemur collaris (Collared brown lemur), Eulemur coronatus (Crowned lemur), Eulemur flavifrons (Blue-eyed black lemur), Eulemur fulvus (Brown lemur), Eulemur macaco (Black lemur), Eulemur mongoz (Mongoose lemur), Eulemur rubriventer (Red-bellied lemur), Eulemur rufus (Red-fronted lemur), Eulemur sanfordi (Sanford's brown lemur), Galago moholi (South African galago), Hapalemur griseus (Bamboo lemur), Lemur catta (Ring-tailed lemur), Loris tardigradus (Slender loris), Microcebus murinus (Gray mouse lemur), Mirza zaza (Northern giant mouse lemur), Nycticebus coucang (Slow loris), Otolemur crassicaudatus (Greater galago), Perodicticus potto (Potto), Propithecus diadema (Diademed sifaka), Propithecus tattersalli (Golden-crowned sifaka), Varecia rubra (Red ruffed lemur). Peripheral blood was collected through venipuncture with standard procedures, either during a routine veterinary procedure or at time of necropsy. Skin tissues were collected during necropsies.