Project description:To find the differences in innate immune response between nonpathogenic and pathogenic SIV infection, we examined transcriptome in PBMCs from macaques infected with pathogenic or nonpathogenic SIV.
Project description:Microorganisms are key components for plant biomass breakdown within rumen environments. Gram negative Fibrobacter succinogenes have been identified as being active and dominant cellulolytic members of the rumen. In this study, F. succinogenes type strain S85 was adapted for steady state growth in continuous culture at pH 5.75 and confirmed to grow in the range of pH 5.60-5.65, which is lower than has been reported previously. RNA-seq analysis revealed 268 and 829 genes were differentially expressed at pH 6.1 and 5.65 compared to pH 6.7, respectively. Resequencing analysis identified seven single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the sufD, yidE, xylE, rlmM, mscL and dosC genes of acid tolerant strains. Due to the absence of a F. succinogenes genetic system, homologues in Escherichia coli were mutated and complemented and the resulting strains were assayed for acid survival. Complementation with wild-type or acid tolerant F. succinogenes sufD restored the function of E. coli SufDSE, suggesting a possible role F. succinogenes sufD was involved in acid homeostasis. Recent genetic engineering developments need to be adapted and applied in F. succinogenes to further our understanding of this species.
Project description:To find the differences in innate immune response between nonpathogenic and pathogenic SIV infection, we examined transcriptome in PBMCs from macques infected with pathogenic or nonpathogenic SIV. Juvenile macaques were intavenousy infected with SIVmac239 or M-bM-^HM-^F5G. Blood samples were collected at 1 week and 3 weeks pi. Total RNA from the PBMCs were used for the microarray analysis.
Project description:Hong2004 - Genome-scale metabolic network of
Mannheimia succiniciproducens (iSH335)
This model is described in the article:
The genome sequence of the
capnophilic rumen bacterium Mannheimia succiniciproducens.
Hong SH, Kim JS, Lee SY, In YH, Choi
SS, Rih JK, Kim CH, Jeong H, Hur CG, Kim JJ.
Nat. Biotechnol. 2004 Oct; 22(10):
The rumen represents the first section of a ruminant
animal's stomach, where feed is collected and mixed with
microorganisms for initial digestion. The major gas produced in
the rumen is CO(2) (65.5 mol%), yet the metabolic
characteristics of capnophilic (CO(2)-loving) microorganisms
are not well understood. Here we report the 2,314,078 base pair
genome sequence of Mannheimia succiniciproducens MBEL55E, a
recently isolated capnophilic Gram-negative bacterium from
bovine rumen, and analyze its genome contents and metabolic
characteristics. The metabolism of M. succiniciproducens was
found to be well adapted to the oxygen-free rumen by using
fumarate as a major electron acceptor. Genome-scale metabolic
flux analysis indicated that CO(2) is important for the
carboxylation of phosphoenolpyruvate to oxaloacetate, which is
converted to succinic acid by the reductive tricarboxylic acid
cycle and menaquinone systems. This characteristic metabolism
allows highly efficient production of succinic acid, an
important four-carbon industrial chemical.
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Project description:We isolated two highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza viruses (AIVs) (CK10 and GS10) with similar genetic background but greatly differ in pathogencity in mice. CK10 is highly pathogenic in mice, whereas GS10 is nonpathogenic. However, the host mechanism of this differecne in pathogenicity is unclear. We used microarray analysis to evaluate the global transcriptional response in the lung of mice infected with CK10 or GS10.
Project description:Yersinia enterocolitica, an important cause of human gastroenteritis generally caused by the consumption of livestock, has traditionally been categorized into three groups with respect to pathogenicity, i.e., nonpathogenic (biotype 1A), low pathogenicity (biotypes 2 to 5), and highly pathogenic (biotype 1B). However, genetic differences that explain variation in pathogenesis and whether different biotypes are associated with specific nonhuman hosts are largely unknown. In this study, we applied comparative phylogenomics (whole-genome comparisons of microbes with DNA microarrays combined with Bayesian phylogenies)to investigate a diverse collection of 94 strains of Y.enterocolitica consisting of 35 human, 35 pig, 15 sheep, and 9 cattle isolates from nonpathogenic, low-pathogenicity, and highly pathogenic biotypes. Analysis confirmed three distinct statistically supported clusters composed of a nonpathogenic clade, a low-pathogenicity clade, and a highly pathogenic clade. Genetic differences revealed 125 predicted coding sequences (CDSs) present in all highly pathogenic strains but absent from the other clades. These included several previously uncharacterized CDSs that may encode novel virulence determinants including a hemolysin, a metalloprotease, and a type III secretion effector protein. Additionally, 27 CDSs were identified which were present in all 47 low-pathogenicity strains and Y.enterocolitica 8081 but absent from all nonpathogenic 1A isolates. Analysis of the core gene set for Y.enterocolitica revealed that 20.8% of the genes were shared by all of the strains, confirming this species as highly heterogeneous, adding to the case for the existence of three subspecies of Y.enterocolitica. Further analysis revealed that Y.enterocolitica does not cluster according to source (host). Data is also available from
Project description:This study was undertaken with two major goals in mind: i) To investigate the potential for interspecies hydrogen transfer between a hemicellulytic rumen bacterium (B. proteoclasticus) and a methanogenic achaea (M. ruminantium) Microscopic examination had previously shown B. proteoclasticus in co-culture with M. ruminantium rapidly formed cell to cell co-aggregates. ii) To examine the expression of genes involved in methanogenesis under more rumen-like conditions.