Project description:Alloplasmic lines provide a unique tool to study the nucleo-cytoplasmic interactions. Alloplasmic lines T183 and T195 were developed through the introgression of the cytoplasm from Aegilops uniaristata (T183) and Aegilops squarrosa (T195) in the nuclear background of Triticum aestivum cv. Chris. Alloplasmic line TH237 was produced introgressing the Hordeum chilense accession H7 cytoplasm into the nuclear background of Triticum aestivum accession T20. Fifty seeds for each sample in pots of 11 cm diameter and grown in controlled conditions under 600µE m-2 s–1 high light intensity in a daily regime of 12 h light at 22°C and 12 h darkness at 15°C. Plants were bulked from each pot and three biological replicate used for the transcriptomics Fully expanded second leaves were collected two weeks from sowing in the middle of the light period and used for transcriptomic analysis. ****PLEXdb ( has submitted this series at GEO on behalf of the original contributor, Cristina Crosatti. The equivalent experiment is TA49 at PLEXdb.
Project description:Plant material consisted of synthetic hexaploid wheat germplasm into the Opata background (Altar 84/ Aegilops squarrosa (TAUS)//Opata) . Plants were grown at a density of 9-11 individuals per 20cm x 10cm (diameter x height) plastic pot containing 1500g well-rinsed Turface MVP® medium (Profile Products LLC, Buffalo, IL), in controlled environment chambers at 23°C, 70% relative humidity, and 16h photoperiod with a photosynthetic photon flux (PPF) of 330±10 µmolem-2s-1 when measured at the top of the canopy at growth stage 22 to 24 in the Zadoks scale (Zadoks et al., 1974). Plants were watered daily until 21 days after seeding (DAS) by flooding trays with water for 5 minutes, then draining the trays. Drought stress was applied by water withholding, beginning on 21 DAS. Watering was withheld from plants belonging to drought treatment, while the control group received water above field capacity. Water content of the growth medium was gravimetrically monitored. Root tissues were collected from control and treated plants when the water content of the treatment group growth medium fell below the permanent wilting point. Three biological replicates were conducted in three separate time-span courses. Total RNA was isolated using a LiCl3 precipitation method following Moore et al., (2005). Dye swap desin microarray analyses of well-watered and water-stressed root tissues were conducted across three biological replicates totaling six hybridizations.
Project description:modENCODE_submission_5986 This submission comes from a modENCODE project of Jason Lieb. For full list of modENCODE projects, see Project Goal: The focus of our analysis will be elements that specify nucleosome positioning and occupancy, control domains of gene expression, induce repression of the X chromosome, guide mitotic segregation and genome duplication, govern homolog pairing and recombination during meiosis, and organize chromosome positioning within the nucleus. Our 126 strategically selected targets include RNA polymerase II isoforms, dosage-compensation proteins, centromere components, homolog-pairing facilitators, recombination markers, and nuclear-envelope constituents. We will integrate information generated with existing knowledge on the biology of the targets and perform ChIP-seq analysis on mutant and RNAi extracts lacking selected target proteins. For data usage terms and conditions, please refer to and EXPERIMENT TYPE: CHIP-seq. BIOLOGICAL SOURCE: Strain: N2; Developmental Stage: L3 Larva; Genotype: wild type; Sex: mixed Male and Hermaphrodite population; EXPERIMENTAL FACTORS: Developmental Stage L3 Larva; temp (temperature) 20 degree celsius; Strain N2; Antibody NURF-1 SDQ3525 (target is NURF-1)
Project description:Trithorax group (TrxG) proteins counteract Polycomb silencing by an as yet uncharacterized mechanism. A well-known member of the TrxG is the histone methyltransferase Absent, Small, or Homeotic discs 1 (ASH1). In Drosophila ASH1 is needed for the maintenance of Hox gene expression throughout development, which is tightly coupled to preservation of cell identity. In order to understand the molecular function of ASH1 in this process, we performed affinity purification of tandem-tagged ASH1 followed by mass spectrometry (AP-MS) and identified FSH, another member of the TrxG as interaction partner. Here we provide genome-wide chromatin maps of both proteins based on ChIP-seq. Our Dataset comprises of 4 ChIP-seq samples using chromatin from S2 cells which was immunoprecipitated, using antibodies against Ash1, FSH-L and FSH-SL.