Project description:Methanococcus maripaludis is a methanogenic archaeon. Within its genome, there are two operons for membrane associated hydrogenases, eha and ehb. To investigate the regulation of ehb on the cell, an S40 mutant was constructed in such a way that a portion of the ehb operon was replaced by pac cassette in the wild type parental strain S2 (done by Whitman's group at the University of Georgia). Four samples of each strain were grown in batch culture. Differences in transcriptional expression between S40 and S2 were measured using cDNA arrays, with flip dye experiments for each biological replicate. Keywords: mutant, archaea, carbon, hydrogenase, methanogen
Project description:Benedict2011 - Genome-scale metoblic network
of Methanosarcina acetivorans (iMB745)
This model is described in the article:
Genome-scale metabolic
reconstruction and hypothesis testing in the methanogenic
archaeon Methanosarcina acetivorans C2A.
Benedict MN, Gonnerman MC, Metcalf
WW, Price ND.
J. Bacteriol. 2012 Feb; 194(4):
Methanosarcina acetivorans strain C2A is a marine
methanogenic archaeon notable for its substrate utilization,
genetic tractability, and novel energy conservation mechanisms.
To help probe the phenotypic implications of this organism's
unique metabolism, we have constructed and manually curated a
genome-scale metabolic model of M. acetivorans, iMB745, which
accounts for 745 of the 4,540 predicted protein-coding genes
(16%) in the M. acetivorans genome. The reconstruction effort
has identified key knowledge gaps and differences in peripheral
and central metabolism between methanogenic species. Using flux
balance analysis, the model quantitatively predicts wild-type
phenotypes and is 96% accurate in knockout lethality
predictions compared to currently available experimental data.
The model was used to probe the mechanisms and energetics of
by-product formation and growth on carbon monoxide, as well as
the nature of the reaction catalyzed by the soluble
heterodisulfide reductase HdrABC in M. acetivorans. The
genome-scale model provides quantitative and qualitative
hypotheses that can be used to help iteratively guide
additional experiments to further the state of knowledge about
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