Project description:LCMS .raw files resulting from the analysis of tryptic digests of ~1 mg pieces of m. tracheobronchialis dorsalis (DTB) muscle from 3 male zebra finches. The use of the right side of the syringeal muscle was prevented by unilateral section of the hypoglossal nerve. The birds were euthanized 21 days after the nerve cut. The right side of the muscle served as the experimental group and the left side (uncut nerve) served as the control group. All of the samples were muscle samples reduced and treated with iodoacetamide prior to digestion.
Project description:Cardiotoxin was injected into left soleus muscle of adult rats. Right muscle was kept intact. Ambulation recovery was allowed for 8 weeks. After 8 weeks of regeneration period, both left and right soleus muscles were overloaded by the transection of synergists' tendons for 2 weeks.
Project description:Cardiotoxin was injected into left soleus muscle of adult rats. Right muscle was kept intact. Ambulation recovery was allowed for 8 weeks. After 8 weeks of regeneration period, both left and right soleus muscles were overloaded by the transection of synergists' tendons for 2 weeks. We tested 6 muscles for each group. RNA samples were mixed with same amount from each muscle toward analysis by microarray.
Project description:Rats were subjected to bilateral rotator cuff tears of the right and left supraspinatus muscle. Muscles were harvested from each shoulder at 0, 10, 30, or 60 days post surgery.
Project description:Circadian transcriptional factor was overexpressed in the right muscle of a rat. Differential gene expression was analysed between the test and control muscle at two different timepoints (zT0 and zT12).
Project description:Fine needle stimulation also known as acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medical practice which causes relief of pain. We demonstrated that it caused neovascularization and enhanced recovery of blood perfusion in a ischemic portion of skeletal muscle in rats with hindlimb ischemia. Therefore we evaluated the effect of fine needle stimulation on skeletal muscle at gene expression level Experiment Overall Design: With 0.14mm diameter stainless steel needle, a hundred pricks were applied in a 100 square mili-meter region on addductor portion of the left rat hindlimb. Right hindlimb was left intact as control. 24 hrs after fine needle stimulation, skeletal muscle sample was resected from adductor muscle of fine needle stimulated left hindlimb and non-stimulated right hindlimbs, respectively. Then gene expression analysis with microarray was conducted on each skelatal muscle sample.
Project description:Four healthy human volunteers underwent an acute bout of resistance exercise with the right leg at 2 pm. Biopsies were removed from the Vastus Lateralis muscle 6 h (8 pm) and 18 h (8 am) after exericise Keywords = Human skeletal muscle Keywords = resistance exerise Keywords = diurnal Keywords = circadian Keywords: time-course
Project description:Right heart failure results from advanced pulmonary hypertension (PH) and has a poor prognosis. There are few available treatments for right heart failure. Pulmonary artery remodeling, including changes in pulmonary artery endothelial cells to endothelial-mesenchymal cells, and aberrant fibroblast and pulmonary artery smooth muscle cell (PASMC) proliferation, are characteristics of the pathophysiological process of PH. As a result, the clinical situation requires novel PH diagnostic and treatment targets.
Project description:An Infinium microarray platform (GPL28271, HorvathMammalMethylChip40) was used to generate DNA methylation data from many tissues from horses We generated DNA methylation data from n=333 horse tissue samples representing tissues. Blood samples were collected via venipuncture into EDTA tubes from across 24 different horse breeds (buffy coat). The other tissues were collected at necropsy. The tissue atlas was generated from two Thoroughbred mares as part of the FAANG initiative 37, with the following tissues profiled: adipose (gluteal), adrenal cortex, blood (PBMCs; only n=1 mare), cartilage (only n=1 mare), cecum, cerebellum (2 samples each from lateral hemisphere and vermis), frontal cortex, duodenum, fibroblast, heart (2 samples each from the right atrium, left atrium, right ventricle, left ventricle), hypothalamus, ileum, jejunum, keratinocyte, kidney (kidney cortex and medulla), lamina, larynx (i.e. cricoarytenoideus dorsalis muscle), liver, lung, mammary gland, mitral valve of the heart, skeletal muscle (gluteal muscle and longissimus muscle), occipital cortex, ovary, parietal cortex, pituitary, sacrocaudalis dorsalis muscle, skin, spinal cord (C1 and T8), spleen, suspensory ligament, temporal cortex, tendon (deep digital flexor tendon and superficial digital flexor tendon), uterus.
Project description:Compairsion of transcriptional profiles of heart and skeletal muscle tissue of fetal rhesus monkey exposed to maternal Bisphenol A or vehicle during early or late gestaion. Maternal exposure to the endocrine disrupting chemical, bisphenol A (BPA) affects the development of multiple organ systems in rodents and monkeys. However, effects of BPA exposure on cardiac and skeletal muscle development have not been assessed. Given that maternal BPA crosses placenta and reaches developing fetus, examining the physiological consequences of gestational exposure during development is of research significance. Therefore, we evaluate the effects of daily, oral BPA exposure of pregnant rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) on the fetal heart and skeletal muscle transcriptome. Pregnant monkeys were administered daily oral doses (400 M-BM-5g/kg body weight) of BPA during early (50 M-bM-^@M-^S100 M-BM-1 2 days post conception, dpc) or late (100 M-BM-1 2 dpc - term), gestation. At the end of treatment, fetal heart tissues; left ventricle (LV), right ventricle (RV), left atrium (LA), right atrium (RA) and skeletal muscle; biceps femoris (BFM), were collected. Transcriptome expression was assessed using genome-wide microarray in each of the tissues and compared paired-wise between the BPA and matched control fetuses. Our results show that maternal BPA exposure alters transcriptional profile of several coding and non-coding genes in fetal heart and skeletal muscle. Pregnant rhesus monkey were administered a daily oral dose of 400 M-NM-<g/kg. body weight of Bisphenol A (BPA) or vehicle (CON) either during early (50M-bM-^@M-^S100 M-BM-1 2 days) or late (100 M-BM-1 2 daysM-bM-^@M-^Sterm) gestation. Gene expression profiles of each of the heart chambers (left ventricle, LV; right ventricle, RV; left atrium, LA; and right atrium, RA) and skeletal muscle (biceps femoris, BFM) were analyzed using microarrays and compared between the BPA exposed and matched control fetuses. A total of 12 samples were analyzed for each tissue; LV, RV, LA, RA and BFM. This includes 6 samples at each time period (early vs. late gestation) and 3 biological replicates for each treatment (BPA, n=3; control, n=3).