Project description:HeLa cell extracts with or without GSK3 enzyme inhibition were assayed using protein microarrays in order to detect GSK3-dependent changes in protein polyubiquitination.
Project description:HeLa cell extracts with or without GSK3 enzyme inhibition were assayed using protein microarrays in order to detect GSK3-dependent changes in protein polyubiquitination. HeLa lysates in triplicates were supplemented with ubiquitin and incubated on protein microarrays (ProtoArray 5.0; Invitrogen) in the presence or absence of the GSK3 inhibitor SB-216763. Polyubiquitination of the arrayed proteins was detected using specific antibodies. ProtoArray 5.0 contains over 9,000 full-length human proteins purified and arrayed in duplicate under native conditions to maximize functionality.
Project description:In order to identify the effects of TFEB overexpression on the hela cells transcriptome, we performed Affymetrix Gene-Chip hybridization experiments for the hela TFEB stable clones Transcriptome analysis of hela stable clones overexpressing TFEB-3xFLAG
Project description:In order to identify the effects of TFEB overexpression on the hela cells transcriptome, we performed Affymetrix Gene-Chip hybridization experiments for the hela TFEB stable clones Transcriptome analysis of hela stable clones overexpressing TFEB-GFP
Project description:<p>This study contains all authorized whole genome sequence data of the HeLa cell line from datasets currently in dbGaP. These data have been approved for health, medical, and/or biomedical research purposes. Access to these data can be granted for one year. Accessible data will include the studies listed on this page and any additional authorized datasets that become available during this one-year period.</p> <p><a href="">The HeLa Genome Data Access Working Group of the Advisory Committee to the Director (ACD)</a> will review requests from the research community for access to these datasets and assess whether the requests align with the terms of use defined in the HeLa Genome Data Use Agreement. The Working Group's findings will be reported to the ACD, and the ACD will make recommendations to the NIH Director about whether a request should be approved or disapproved. The NIH Director will decide whether access to the data will be granted.</p>
Project description:We report the application of CHIP-sequence in HeLa cells. By obtaining over fifty million bases of sequence from chromatin immunoprecipitated DNA for each sample, we generated genome-wide chromatin-state maps of HeLa cells.
Project description:We report the application of ChIP-sequence in HeLa cells. By obtaining over fifty million bases of sequence from chromatin immunoprecipitated DNA for each sample, we generated genome-wide chromatin-state maps of HeLa cells.