Project description:Transcriptomic and proteomic response of the organohalide respiring bacterium Desulfoluna spongiiphila to growth with bromophenol as electron acceptor
Project description:We compared the global transcriptomic analysis of Desulfoluna spongiiphila strain AA1, an organohalide-respiring Desulfobacterota isolated from a marine sponge, with 2,6-dibromophenol or with sulfate as electron acceptor. The most significant difference of the transcriptomic analysis was the expression of one reductive dehalogenase gene cluster (rdh16), which was significantly upregulated with 2,6-dibromophenol.
Project description:The effect of respiration (aerobic cultivation in the presence of heme and vitamin K2) was compared with unsupplemented aerobic cultivation with Lactobacillus plantarum. Two-condition experiment, aerobic vs respiring cells. Biological replicates: 3 aerobic cultures, 3 respiring cultures, independently grown and harvested. One replicate per array. Respiring cultures are called reactor 1-3; Aerobic cultures are called reactor 4-6 In the subsequent analysis data from reactor 4 were not used. There was likely a mistake made during quenching. This was concluded as new labeling/hybridisation gave same (bad) results (128a); slide 128b was dye-swap.
Project description:Investigation of whole genome gene expression level changes in cultures of Polaromonas sp. JS666 grown on cDCE compared to the reference substrate glycolate. JS666 is the first organism isolated capable of coupling growth to the aerobic oxidation of the chlorinated solvent, cis-1,2-dichloroethene (cDCE).
Project description:Ferrimonas balearica Rossello-Mora et al. 1996 is the type species of the genus Ferrimonas, which belongs to the family Ferrimonadaceae within the Gammaproteobacteria. The species is a Gram-negative, motile, facultatively anaerobic, non spore-forming bacterium, which is of special interest because it is a chemoorganotroph and has a strictly respiratory metabolism with oxygen, nitrate, Fe(III)-oxyhydroxide, Fe(III)-citrate, MnO(2), selenate, selenite and thiosulfate as electron acceptors. This is the first completed genome sequence of a member of the genus Ferrimonas and also the first sequence from a member of the family Ferrimonadaceae. The 4,279,159 bp long genome with its 3,803 protein-coding and 144 RNA genes is a part of the Genomic Encyclopedia of Bacteria and Archaea project.
Project description:The strictly anaerobic bacterium Dehalococcoides mccartyi is obligatory dependent on organohalide respiration for energy conservation and growth. Due to its capability to reductively dehalogenate a multitude of toxic halogenated electron acceptors, it plays an important role in the attenuation of these compounds at respective contaminated sites. Here, D. mccartyi strain CBDB1, specialized on the dehalogenation of chloroaromatic compounds, was grown in a two-liquid phase system with 1,2,3-trichlorobenzene as electron acceptor, acetate plus CO2 as carbon source and hydrogen as electron donor. The proteome and Nε-lysine acetylome were analyzed in the lag, exponential and stationary phases. The high and almost invariable abundance of the membrane-localized organohalide respiration complex consisting of the reductive dehalogenases CbrA and CbdbA80, the uptake hydrogenase HupLS and the organohalide respiration molybdoenzyme OmeAB was shown throughout growth and also after a prolonged stationary phase. Quantification of transcripts of reductive dehalogenase genes revealed their major synthesis starting in the lag phase, which might be a prerequisite for balanced growth in the exponential phase. The analyses of the coverage of functional pathways as well as indicator analysis revealed the growth-phase specificity of the proteome, with regulatory proteins identified as important indicators for the stationary phase. The number of acetylated proteins increased from the lag to the stationary phase. We detected pronounced acetylation of key proteins of the acetate metabolism, i.e. the synthesis of acetyl-CoA and its processing via gluconeogenesis and the incomplete Wood-Ljungdahl pathway, as well as of proteins central for the biosynthesis of amino acids, co-factors and terpenoids. In addition, the partial acetylation of the reductive dehalogenases as well as of TatA, a component of the twin-arginine translocation machinery, suggests that acetylation might be directly involved in the maintenance of the organohalide respiration capacity of D. mccartyi over periods without access to halogenated electron acceptors.
Project description:Transcriptomic and proteomic response of the organohalide respiring bacterium Desulfoluna spongiiphila to growth with 2,6-dibromophenol as electron acceptor